Page 19 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 19


        Outcome          Functional, efficient and integrated sector
        Output           Output Indicator  Annual Target         Quarterly     Activities            Timeframe     Budget per    Dependencies         Responsibility
                                                                 Target                                            Activity
        Communicate      Draft Change      Change Management      Q1           Draft  Change  Manage-  1 April 2022              -  Workshops         D: OD & HRP
        Change Manage-   Management Plan   Plan implemented                    ment  Plan  presented  to  to 30 June             -  Individual engage-
        ment Plan and    consulted                                             EXCO and MANCO for en-  2022                         ments             DD: CM & OD
        Climate, Culture                                                       dorsement and approval.                           -  Submission approv-
        Survey findings                                                                                                             als
                                                                               Communicate  the  ap-                             -  Acting Direc-
                                                                               proved  Change  Manage-                              tor-General
                                                                               ment Plan to all branches                         -  DDG: CSS & All
                                                                               of the Department.                                   DDG’s
                                                                                                                                 -  CD: HCM

                                                                 Q2 & Q3 & Q4
                                                                               Facilitate  the  implemen-
                                                                               tation  of  the  approved   1 July to 31
                                                                               Change    Management   March 2023

        Communicate      Business Processes   Business processes   Q1          Facilitate  and  coordinate  1 April 2022         -  Workshops         D: OD & HRP
        Business Process   mapped approved  mapped and approved                the  presentation  of  the  to 31 June            -  Individual engage-
        Mapped for core                    implemented                         mapped  business  pro-  2022                         ments             DD: OD & BPM
        business by Gov-                                                       cesses  by  GTAC  to  EXCO                        -  Submission approv-
        ernment Technical                                                      and MANCO for endorse-                               als
        Advisory Centre                                                        ment and approval.                                -  Communication
                                                                               Communicate  the  ap-
                                                                               proved mapped business
                                                                               processes  to  all  core
                                                                               branches  of  the  Depart-

                                                                               Facilitate  the  implemen-
                                                                               tation  of  the  approved
                                                                 Q2,3,4        mapped  business  pro-  1 July 2022
                                                                               cesses.               to 31 March

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