Page 15 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 15
Key Risks: Operational
Outcome Output Activities Risk Descrip- Root causes Consequenc- IR Existing con- RI Risk Action Plans Action Action Action
tion es trols Owner Start Owner Due Date
Functional, Imple- Perform Non-delivery of - Inadequate - Failure to High - Rotation of Medi- Mr. A - Updated the Oct 2021 Mr. A 31 March
efficient and mentation several the approved design of the deliver and staff amongst um Mudau job specifica- – March Mudau 2023
integrated of the risk-based Internal Audit job descrip- cover the the sub-di- tions to ensure 2023
sector approved internal au- coverage plan tions for internal rectorate. that the job
Annual dit projects due to insuf- Internal Audit audit plan; - In a process adverts attract
Internal as per the ficient and positions. and of updating the candidates
Audit Plan approved inadequate hu- - Not able to - Low impact the job specs with appropriate
and any coverage man resource attract the on the DSD for IA posts in skills.
other Ad- plan capacity. required control en- consultation - Strengthen the
hoc audit skills. vironment with HRM recruitment pro-
projects - Prolonged cess to ensure
process of that the right
filling vacant candidates with
posts. adequate skills
are recruited to
close the skills
gap in the unit.
Functional, Imple- Perform Lack of co- - Management - Failure to High - Regular Medi- Mr. A - Continuous April Mr. A March
efficient and mentation several operation by prioritising deliver and meetings with um Mudau engagements 2022 – Mudau 2023
integrated of the risk-based management their work cover the Management with all relevant March
sector approved internal au- may result in over Inter- entire Inter- at various stakeholders 2023
Annual dit projects delays in the nal Audit nal Audit governance to promote the
Internal as per the finalisation of requests. Plan; and structures/ importance of
Audit Plan approved audits. - Lack of con- - Low impact levels e.g. Internal Audit
and any coverage sequences on the DSD EXCO, MANCO
other Ad- plan manage- control en- and Audit
hoc Audit ment. vironment Committee
Projects including Risk
of the role
of Internal