Page 13 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
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Activity Key Risk Risk Mitigation
• Consult with relevant role-players (branches, sister departments and • Non-compliance with international obligations • Set constant reminders.
Chief Directorate: Internal Audit Services
Purpose: To provide the Accounting Officer (AO) and management of the Department with independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the De-
partment’s operations. The Directorate also assists the Department to accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk
management, control, and governance processes.
Outcome Functional, efficient and integrated sector
Output Output Indica- Annual Target Quarterly Target Activities Timeframe Budget per Dependencies Responsibility
tor Activity
Development of Developed Developed Developed and • Engagement and April – Sep- R0.00 • Dependent on the timely CD: Internal
a three (3) year three (3) year 2022/2023 – approved three (3) consultation on the tember 2022 finalisation and approval of Audit
rolling strategic rolling strategic 2024/2025 three year rolling strate- Department’s key the DSD Risk Assessment
Internal Audit Plan Internal Audit (3) year rolling gic Internal Audit strategic documents Report.
and Annual Opera- Plan and Annual strategic Internal Plan and Annual such as Strategic • Availability of the key stake-
tional Plan Operational Audit Plan and Operational Plan and Operational holders such as Branch
Plan 2022/2023 Opera- Risks Register, Min- Heads and respective Senior
tional Plan utes of the gover- Management.
nance structures’
meetings, AGSA
reports, etc
• Consultation ses-
sions with Branch
Heads, Risk Man-
agement Unit and
Audit Committee on
the development
of a three (3) year
rolling strategic
Internal Audit Plan
and Annual Opera-
tional Plan
Implementation Implemented Implementation Implementation Perform a number of July 2022 – R 10 000 000 • Client availability and CD: Internal Au-
of the approved Annual Opera- of the approved of the approved risk-based internal March 2023 cooperation could have an dit Dir: Internal
Annual Internal tional Plan in- Annual Internal Annual Internal audit projects as per impact on the delivery and/ Audit
Audit Plan and any cluding Ad-hoc Audit Plan and any Audit Plan and the approved cover- or timely delivery of audit
other Ad-hoc Audit Audit Projects other Ad-hoc Au- any other Ad-hoc age plan projects.
Projects dit Projects – Six Audit Projects • Dependent on the ade-
(6) audit projects – Two (2) audit quacy of the internal audit
finalised projects finalised resources (adequate staff