Page 8 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 8
Sub-Programme: Entity Oversight
Outcome Functional, efficient and integrated sector
Output Output Indicator Annual Target Quarterly Target Activities Timeframe Budget per Dependencies Responsibility
An implemented Entity Entity and Gover- Implement the Reviewed and final- Minutes and deci- 01 April – 30 R400 000 Adherence to the Director – Entity
Governance and Over- nance Framework Entity and Gover- ised Entity Agree- sion matrix of the March 2023 calendar Oversight
sights Framework implemented nance Framework ment interface forums
Limited human
Analysed quarterly resources
Submission of an
Final consultation analysis of reports
on the Shareholder by DSD branches
(Entity) Agreements
Interface meetings
between DSD and
public entities
Coordination and
compilation of quar-
terly reports
Monitoring of the im-
plementation of the
Shareholder (enti-
ties) Agreement
Capacity Building of
the newly appointed
NDA Board
Conduct site visits
Activity Key Risk Risk Mitigation
• Signing of the Shareholder (Entity) Agreements • Unavailability of key-role players • Timeously sharing calendar of meetings
• Interface meetings between DSD and public entities • Non-adherence to the calendar for meetings • Timeous invitation to meetings
• Coordination and compilation of quarterly reports • Lack of corporation from different units • Consistent reminders
• Conduct site visits • Inadequate human resources • Solicit support from other units