Page 9 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 9
Outcome Functional, efficient and integrated sector
Output Output Indicator Annual Target Quarterly Target Activities Timeframe Budget per Dependencies Responsibility
Document management Approval of sub- Implement the Classification of Referral of docu- 01 April – 30 R0 Adherence to the DD - Admin
and business process missions document man- documents accord- ments to relevant March 2023 Department’s Cor-
implemented agement business ing to characteris- internal and external porate Manual and
process tics; i.e. Priority and clients Document Man-
urgency agement Standard
Quality assurance of Operating Plans
submissions (SOP’s)
Advise branches con- Adherence to the
cerning the manage- process flow and
ment of documents use of SharePoint
and workflow
Efficient and effective Timely response Render an efficient Classification of Track and monitor
Parliamentary process to Parliamentary and effective par- PQ’s according to the flow of PQs and
Questions (PQs) liamentary service characteristics such the turnaround
as written or oral times.
and referral to var-
ious branches and Monitor the imple-
entities mentation and use
of SharePoint for the
flow of PQs
Facilitate submis-
sion of soft copies
of approved PQs to
Ministry for tabling
Prepare the weekly,
monthly and quar-
terly PQ statistics
Activity Key Risk Risk Mitigation
• Track and monitor the flow of PQs and the turnaround time • Delayed tabling of PQs • Constant reminders with PLO’s