Page 187 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 187


       Outcome Output     Activities/ Risk De-  Root     Consequences IR   Existing    RI  Risk Owner     Action Plans      Action     Action Owner    Action Due
                          Output     scription  causes                     controls                                         Start Date                 Date
       Im-      Three (3)   Contractor  Contractor  Deviation   Losing funds      Site visits      Ms. A Samaad   Close monitoring and  01-Apr-22  Ms. P Ndlovu   Mar-23
       proved   Commu-    not com-   requesting  from the                  and techni-                    site visits.
       social   nity Care   pleting on  exten-  project                    cal meet-
       wellbe-  Centres   time as    sion/ de-  plan                       ings
       ing of   Construct-  per the   laying the
       individu- ed in    project    project
       als, fam-  Limpopo  plan.
       ilies and
       Func-    Sector    Meeting    Lack of   Other     Not forming       Annual plan     Ms. A Samaad   Write letters writ-  01-Apr-22  Ms. P Ndlovu   Mar-23
       tional,   Infra-   atten-     atten-    work-re-  the quorum        for meet-                      ten to HODs about
       efficient   structure   dance   dance and  lated com- when other    ings sent on                   the importance of
       and in-  Meetings             availabil-  mitments  managers do     time                           provincial managers
       tegrated                      ity for set         not attend                                       attending infrastruc-
       sector                        meetings                                                             ture meetings.
       Func-    Facilitated  Complet-  Non-Com-  SCM     Delay in the      Increase        Ms. A Samaad   Constantly liaise with  01-Apr-22  Ms. T Setati  Mar-23
       tional,   procure-  ing pro-  pletion of   processes   procurement   timeframes                    SCM and financial
       efficient   ment of   curement   procure-  taking long  completion  based on                       Assistant on the pro-
       and in-  resourc-  within the  ment     and unre-                   the reasons                    curement plan
       tegrated   es.     allocated   within   sponsive                    provided
       sector             budget     financial   suppliers                 by service
                          and year.  year.                                 provider
       Func-    The com-  Ensure     Lack of   Admin     Late sub-         Constantly      Ms. A Samaad   Present the frame-  01-Apr-22  Ms. T Setati  Mar-23
       tional,   pliance   timeous   coopera-  staff do   mission of       communi-                       work to all admin
       efficient   reporting   submis-  tion from   not see   important re-  cate with                    emphasise the
       and in-  framework  sion of   admin     the value   ports by CDs    Branch Co-                     importance of the
       tegrated   for Chief   all the   staff  of the                      ordinators                     framework.
       sector   Director-  Depart-             meeting                     on the im-
                ate man-  ment’s               organised                   portance of
                aged      reports                                          compliance

       Func-    Admin-    All lo-    Non-at-   Miscom-   Non-atten-        Constantly      Ms. A Samaad   Constantly commu-  01-Apr-22  Ms. T Setati   Mar-23
       tional,   istration   gistical   tendance   munica-  dance and      communi-                       nicate with officials
       efficient   of all   arrange-  of meet-  tion about  non-participa-  cate with                     and stakeholders on
       and in-  logistical   ments   ings      meeting   tion from the     meeting                        meeting dates and
       tegrated   arrange-  for the            dates     Chief Director-   organisers                     times
       sector   ments for   Director-                    ate
                the Direc-  ate imple-
                torate.   mented

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