Page 183 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
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                                                                                 Key Risks
       Outcome Output     Activities/ Risk De-  Root     Consequences IR   Existing    RI  Risk Owner     Action Plans      Action     Action Owner    Action Due
                          Output     scription  causes                     controls                                         Start Date                 Date
       Func-    Risk      Facilitate   Incom-  Postpone-  Delay in final-     Reminders      Ms. A Samaad  Continuous remind-  01-Apr-22  Mr. M Ramatho-  31-Mar-23
       tional,   Register   risk and   plete risk   ment of   isation of the   are for-                   ers are forwarded to         pa
       efficient   per Chief   fraud as-  registers   the risk   risk registers   warded to               relevant or respec-
       and in-  Director-  sessment   by line   assess-  and risk re-      relevant or                    tive Deputy Direc-
       tegrated   ate     sessions   function.  ment     ports             respective                     tors-General and
       sector             with                 session.                    Direc-                         Chief Directors.
                          business             Inade-                      tors-Gener-
                          units.               quate                       al and Chief
                                               commit-                     Directors.
                                               ment by                     Escalation
                                               line func-                  to DDG,
                                               tions.                      and ADG to
       Func-    Risk      Risk       Poor at-  Inade-    Non-achieve-      Risk Man-       Ms. A Samaad   Risk Management   01-Apr-22  Mr. M Ramatho-  31-Mar-23
       tional,   Awareness  awareness  tendance   quate   ment of the      agement                        Committee contin-            pa
       efficient   workshops  workshops  of the   commit-  target          Committee                      ues to encourage
       and in-  conduct-  conducted  awareness  ment                       encourages                     officials to attend
       tegrated   ed      with all   workshop   by all                     officials                      the risk awareness
       sector             business   by offi-  officials,                  to attend                      sessions.
                          units      cials                                 the risk
       Func-    DSD risk   Consoli-  Late      Delay in fi-  Insufficient      Reminders      Ms. A Samaad  Continuous remind-  01-Apr-22  Mr. M Ramatho-  31-Mar-23
       tional,   assess-  date the   approval   nalisation   information   are for-                       ers are forward-             pa
       efficient   ment   risk as-   of the DSD  of the risk   presented to   warded to                   ed to relevant or
       and in-  report    sessment   risk as-  registers.  governance      relevant or                    respective Deputy
       tegrated   approved  report for   sessment        structures.       respective                     Directors-General
       sector             DSD and    report.                               Deputy                         and Chief Directors
                          obtain               Postpone-                   Direc-                         to complete the risk
                          approval             ment of   Internal audit    tors-Gener-                    registers for approval
                          by the Ac-           the risk   finding report.  al and Chief                   of the risk assess-
                          counting             assess-                     Directors to                   ment report by the
                          Officer              ment                        complete                       Accounting Officer
                                               sessions.                   the risk                       and Chairperson of
                                                                           registers for                  the Risk & Ethics
                                                                           approval                       committee
                                                                           of the risk
                                                                           report by
                                                                           the Ac-
                                                                           Officer and
                                                                           of the Risk
                                                                           & Ethics

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