Page 119 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
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        Outcome     Functional, efficient and integrated sector
        Output      Output Indi-   Annual Target     Quarterly Target                 Activities         Timeframe     Budget per   Dependen-     Responsibility
                    cator                                                                                              Activity     cies
                                                     Manage and     Respond to PAIA   October - December  R300 000.00               Cooperation   Director: Informa-
                                                     administer     and POPIA queries                                               from sub-pro-  tion and Knowledge
                                                     requests for   within the stipulated                                           grammes       Management
                                                     access to in-  timeframes
                                                     formation and
                                                     protection of
                                                     Manage and     Respond to PAIA and  January - March  -                         Cooperation   Director: Informa-
                                                     administer     POPIA within the                                                from sub-pro-  tion and Knowledge
                                                     requests for   stipulated time-                                                grammes       Management
                                                     access to in-  frames
                                                     formation and
                                                     protection of
                                   Manage the        Conduct        Identify vital records   April – June  R150 000.00              Cooperation   Director: Informa-
                                   records of the    records in-    for archival and for                                            from sub-pro-  tion and Knowledge
                                   Department in line   spection and   disposal.                                                    grammes       Management
                                   with the internal   clean-up
                                   policies and pro-                Filing of records.
                                   cedures as well as
                                   National Archives                Create and maintain
                                   guidelines                       a list of all records
                                                                    disposed in line
                                                                    with the disposal
                                                     Conduct        Identify vital records   July – September  R150 000.00          Cooperation   Director: Informa-
                                                     records in-    for archival and                                                from sub-pro-  tion and Knowledge
                                                     spection and   disposal.                                                       grammes       Management

                                                                    Filing of records.

                                                                    Create and maintain
                                                                    a list of all records
                                                                    disposed of in line
                                                                    with the disposal

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