Page 167 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
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HUMAN RESOURCE OVERSIGHT STATISTICS                                                                                   PART D: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
        Utilisation of Consultants
        The following tables relates information on the utilisation of consultants in the department. In terms of the Public Service Regulations “consultant’ means a natural or juristic person or a partnership who
        or which provides in terms of a specific contract on an ad hoc basis any of the following professional services to a department against remuneration received from any source:
          a.  The rendering of expert advice;
          b.  The drafting of proposals for the execution of specific tasks; and
          c.  The execution of a specific task which is of a technical or intellectual nature, but excludes an employee of a department.

        Table 3.15.1 Report on consultant appointments using appropriated funds for the period 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022
                                                                                                                         Total number of
           Nr   Project title                                                                                            consultants that   (work days)  Contract value in
                                                                                                                        worked on project
                Appointment of a service provider for Imvuselelo/Revival and to start the process for the development of Annual Performance Plans
           1                                                                                                                   3          16 days    R 298 540.00
                2022/2023 for DSD

           2    Appointment of a service provider to review child poverty and the value of child support grant                 4          22 days    R 496 474.00
                Appointment of a service to conduct the readiness assessment on the implementation of supervision for social service practitioners
           3                                                                                                                   4          22 days    R 500 000.00
                (SSP) initiatives
                Appointment of a service provider to provide technical support services in the development of the provincial food and nutrition
           4                                                                                                                   2          12 days    R 114 000.00
                security plans in one of the three   provinces: North West province, Limpopo province, and Northern Cape province
                Appointment of a service provider to develop induction policy and procedure manual for members of council and professional boards
           5                                                                                                                   4          20 days    R 426 880.00
                of the South African council for social service professions
           6    Appointment of a service provider to review and amend regulations in terms of the Social Service Act, Act 110 of 1978  4  22 days    R 481 400.00

           7    Appointment of a service provider to print the community development professionalisation education and awareness materials  4  22 days  R 478 900.00

                Appointment of a service provider to review, update and edit the draft guidelines on the respite care programme for families of
           8                                                                                                                   5          32 days    R 500 000.00
                children with disabilities
           9    Appointment of a service provider for the editorial services for the policy on protective workshops for persons with disabilities.  3  15 days  R 296 100.00

                Appointment of a service provider to develop a framework for the integration of population policy into the district development
           10                                                                                                                  3          12 days    R 294 000.00
                Appointment of service provider for the annual child rights status report on the implementation of the national plan of action for
           11                                                                                                                  5          32 days    R 486 640.00
                children (NPAC)
                Appointment of a service provider for the professional proofreading and editing of the state party report to the African Committee of
           12                                                                                                                  4          20 days    R 410 000.00
                Experts on the Rights and welfare of the child and the annual child rights status report
                Appointment of a service provider for the completion of the revision of the white paper on families (2021) through further
           13                                                                                                                  4          22 days    R 490 504.00

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