Page 16 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 16

PART A: GENERAL INFORMATION                                             REPORT OF THE ACCOUNTING OFFICER

        Future Plans of the Department

        The Sixth  Administration of the South  African Government   well as Practically Implementing the District Development Model
        adopted seven (7) priorities over the 2019 to 2024 Medium Term   for the DSD Portfolio.
        Strategic  Framework  (MTSF). These  priorities  provide  a  practical
        framework within  which  government  is  to  implement  the   The key focus was to create a shared understanding of where the
        National Development Plan (NDP). The Department is leading the   sector is, where it wants to be and how it intends to get there, whilst
        coordination of social protection imperatives outlined in the NDP   identifying the various actions, projects and initiatives that will be
        through Priority 4, namely “Consolidating the social wage through   carried out in the 2022/23 financial year and beyond.
        reliable and quality basic services”.  The Strategy Management
        and  Transformation unit has a responsibility to coordinate the   The roundtables and the Imvuselelo resulted in several outputs
        implementation of the commitments in the 2019 to 2024 Medium   that will inform future planning within the sector. These outputs
        Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), as derived from Priority 4. This   include:
        programme has a responsibility to facilitate alignment between the   •  Creating jobs for youth, women and persons with disabilities
        MTSF Priority 4, the Strategic Plans and APPs of the DSD sector.  •  Linking beneficiaries to economic opportunities
                                                               •  Designing of the sector service delivery model – including the
        The DSD has concurrent functions, with a responsibility to   shared services model
        coordinate  the  development  and  review  of  sector-specific  plans,   •  Designing of organisational structures that will enable greater
        standardization of gender-sensitive (including disability) indicators   service delivery and customer focus
        and provide policy direction that is gender transformative and   •  Building of sector capacity
        establish processes for engaging with provincial departments of   •  Developing a sector-wide M&E framework
        social development and public entities. This is intended to ensure   •  Developing clearly defined portfolio roles and responsibilities
        that plans and related timelines are synchronised with national and   •  Definition of the link between social development and social
        provincial planning timeframes and are aligned to the government   welfare
        and sector priorities.                                 •  Setting a research agenda for the sector
                                                               •  Developing a Social Welfare Index
        The DSD developed a Sector Strategic Plan that articulates the   •  Designing an integrated social protection information system
        mandate,  vision, mission,  impact,  outcomes  and  indicators  for   •  Identify digitisation opportunities to improve service delivery
        the national and provincial departments and entities. Provincial   access and quality
        departments and entities are expected to contribute to the common   •  Developing the One Plan for the sector that incorporates the
        impact through the outcomes. Since the beginning of the new   fifty-two (52) district plans
        MTSF, the DSD sector developed the APPs which contribute to the   •  Developing the State and CSO partnership model
        impact of “Improved quality of life for the poor and vulnerable”. In   •  Promoting the social development brand
        ensuring the sector’s contribution, the APPs were assessed to ensure
        alignment to the impact and the outcomes.  The annual reports   The DSD Sector is continuing its path of “re-inventing” by making
        of the DSD sector are beginning to reflect on the progress made   these strategic shifts from its current trajectory to deliver effectively
        towards the achievement of the five-year impact and outcomes.   and efficiently on its mandate. The Department continues to take
                                                              lessons from the challenges experienced due to COVID-19, the
        The Social Development Sector adopted the mantra  “Building   continuing budget cuts, systemic issues and the increased demand
        cohesive,  resilient  families  and  communities  by  investing  in   for services.
        people to reduce poverty and vulnerability to create sustainable
        livelihoods” to re-invent the DSD Sector. The development of the   Therefore, the realisation of future APP targets will demand the
        Sector Strategic Plan and the  adoption of the mantra provide   sector to be innovative using technology and maximize partnership
        evidence of the start of a paradigm shift to ensure that all plans   opportunities and improve coordination of the DSD Sector. DSD has
        begin to address the needs of the people.             begun a fundamental paradigm shift to ensure that all plans begin
        The key aspects of this change of “paradigm” are summarised below:  to address the felt needs of the people of South Africa.
                                                              The details of the above paradigm change are further elucidated in
         Then                      Now                        the Transformation Wheel picture below:
         Business as usual         Re-imagined/re-invented DSD
         Working in silos          Working together as a sector
                                                                               Digital   Agility and   Cost reduction
         Regional delivery model   District delivery model                   transformation  robustness
         Focus on outputs          Focus on impact                     Service delivery          New ways of
                                                                    Life cycle /                    Development of fit
                                                                   developmental                     for purpose
        To expand on this paradigm shift and unpack the Social      approach                         structures
        Development Sector mantra, an Imvuselelo (Revival) was held in   Contribution to              approach
        September 2021 to advance the commitment of re-inventing the   Embracing the   Re-invented
        DSD Sector/Portfolio.  The Imvuselelo was preceded by a series   DDM          DSD              Integration and
        of roundtables on the following topics: Digital  Transformation   Thought                     Results/ evidence
        and Innovation, Improving Service Delivery Excellence within the   leadership                  approaches
        NPO Sector, Sustainable Livelihoods, Social Welfare Index, State of   Building cohesive and resilient families and communities towards
        Children in South Africa, Future Funding for the DSD Portfolio as   reducing poverty and creating sustainable livelihoods
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