Page 13 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
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and outlining how to expand employment opportunities for • Development of the two (2) policies namely, The Intersectoral
social workers, auxiliary social workers, child and youth care Policy on Sheltering Services and the Policy on Provision of
workers, child and youth care auxiliary workers, and community Psychosocial Services. The policies are critical as designed
development workers across the public and private sector to address the gaps identified in all the existing victim
space. The strategy also outlines how this work is coordinated empowerment services legislation.
with various sector departments that have the potential to • Development of the Guidelines on Respite Care Services.
employ Social Service Professionals. Respite Care Services is a non-institutional-based service
• Development and extensive consultations with experts on targeting families of Persons with Disabilities and chronic
extending the Policy on Basic Income Support (BIS) for those illnesses. The service utilizes different models to reach out to
between the ages of 18 and 59. The Policy will expand the families/parents at the community-based level, who by virtue
safety net to this vulnerable group whilst also ensuring of the support needs of their children, require a support service
improved targeting of government services that will assist in to sustain them and enable them to care for their children and
empowering social grant beneficiaries. persons with disabilities. The service also focuses on providing
• The launch of the inaugural Social Security Review publication. necessary support services through direct referrals aimed at
The publication is central to the activation of debates and improving the developmental outcomes of the children.
enhances broader public participation in topical social security • Leading the implementation of the Expanded Public Works
issues. Programme (EPWP) for the sector. The sector constitutes
• Auditing of the Social Grants Payment Model. The audit the departments of Social Development, Health, Education,
provided important recommendations for strengthening the Community Safety, and Sports Arts and Culture. These
controls in the management and administration of the social departments contributed to the EPWP programme by providing
grants. temporary employment possibilities to the community’s
• Development of and consultation on the draft Regulations marginalised and underprivileged. A total of 210 378 work
for the Children’s Amendment Bill. The development of opportunities were created during the reporting period.
Regulations is in preparation for the eventual passing of the • Development of the Framework on Linking Social Protection
Children`s Amendment Bill, as an Amended Act. Beneficiaries to Sustainable Livelihoods Opportunities. The
• The completion of three (3) Community Care Centres (CCCs) framework seeks to respond to the ever-increasing number
in North West which were officially opened and handed over of beneficiaries of social protection, especially social grant
to the provincial DSD and implementing NPOs. The CCCs beneficiaries, which may not be sustainable even though it
strengthen service delivery in all benefiting communities significantly contributes toward poverty alleviation.
by ensuring that integrated and comprehensive services are • Improvements in registering Non-Profit Organisations in
provided by different stakeholders in safer and well-equipped terms of the Non-Profit Organisations Act, 1997 (Act No. 71 of
facilities. 1997) by using the web-based NPO application system. The
• The launch of a Community-Based Prevention and Early system expedites the processing of new applications for NPO
Intervention Programme called RISIHA, a XiTsonga name registrations and assessments of annual reports on the NPO
which means ‘Resilience’. RISIHA programme is a community- database and has drastically shortened the turnaround times.
based child protection programme aimed at protecting Over 27 500 applications for NPO registration were received
orphans and vulnerable children, some of whom are living in and more than 27 000 (98%) were processed within two (2)
child and youth-headed households, those with chronic health months. Similarly, over 41 000 reports were received and more
conditions as well as children living and working on the streets. than 33 000 (81%) of the reports received were processed
• Presentation of the Older Persons Amendment Bill to Cabinet in within two (2) months.
August 2021. The Bill was approved to be tabled in Parliament. • Hosting of the first National Migration and Urbanisation
The Older Persons Amendment Bill is aimed at tightening the Conference in July 2021. The conference sought to bring
gaps in the Older Persons Act, 2006 (Act No. 13 of 2006) to together stakeholders interested in the study of migration, to
ensure the protection of older persons. assist the government by establishing a knowledge base of
• Implementation of the Department’s Anti-Gangsterism issues related to various aspects of migration and urbanisation
Strategy in nine (9) high-risk districts namely; Gert Sibande to enable evidence to drive forward the drafting of policy and
and Ehlanzeni Districts in Mpumalanga, Buffalo City in Eastern planning in this regard. A Forum on migration and urbanisation
Cape, Mopani and Vhembe District in Limpopo, Amajuba in South Africa was officially launched at the conference
District in KwaZulu-Natal, Lejweleputswa District in Free State, which aims to coordinate and consolidate the evidence-based
Dr Ruth Mompati District in North West and Johannesburg migration policy, and provide guidance on migration and
Metro in Gauteng. urbanisation policy decisions and plans in the country.
• Implementation of the Anti-Substance Abuse Universal • Commemoration of the World Population Day, in partnership
Treatment Curriculum (UTC) in seven (7) public treatment with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The
centres namely, Nkangala Treatment Centre in Mpumalanga, commemoration sought to raise awareness of the importance
Northern Cape Substance Dependency Treatment Centre of population and development-related issues. The emphasis
in Northern Cape, Seshego Treatment Centre in Limpopo, was on young people, through access to sexual and
Newlands Park Treatment Centre in KwaZulu-Natal, FF Ribeiro reproductive health information services and contributing to
Treatment Centre in Gauteng and JB Marks Treatment Centre their human development.
in North West. The UTC strengthen the provision of evidence- • Commemoration of the World Alzheimer’s Day. On 21
based treatment modalities and application of treatment September 2021, the Department commemorated World
tools for substance use disorders concerning treatment, care, Alzheimer’s Day. The hybrid activity aimed to raise awareness
rehabilitation, recovery, and support. about the disease and its impact on the lives and well-being of