Page 10 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 10



                                                              Championing Change, Asikhulume on GBVF Interfaith Sector Forum
                                                              and further engagements  with the non-formalised faith-based
                                                              sector through  the Pastor’s  Wives platform,  Village-to-Village
                                                              targeting tribal authorities in dealing with gender stereotypes and
                                                              harmful cultural practices, and dialogues with sex workers.

                                                              In  addition,  we  continued  with  the  operations  of  the  Gender-
                                                              Based Violence Command Centre (GBVCC), which had over 74 000
                                                              interactions using the various channels of communication such as
                                                              calls, USSD’s (Unstructured Supplementary Services Data) in a form
                                                              of “please call me” short messages and SMSes as well as Skype line
                                                              (help me GBV) for the deaf community. We also refurbished Shelters
                                                              for victims of GBVF throughout the provinces in partnership with
                                                              our private sector partners.  All these efforts contributed to the
                                                              government’s priority on Social Cohesion and Safe Communities.

                                                              In implementing the Department’s Anti-Gangsterism Strategy, we
                                                              undertook activities  in nine  (9) high-risk districts  namely:  Gert
                                                              Sibande and Ehlanzeni Districts in Mpumalanga, Buffalo City in
                                                              Eastern Cape, Mopani and Vhembe District in Limpopo, Amajuba
                                                              District in KwaZulu-Natal, Lejweleputswa  District in Free State,
                                                              Dr Ruth Mompati District in North West and Johannesburg Metro
                                                              in Gauteng.  The implementation of this strategy, has created
                                                              awareness of the causes of gangsterism and bullying and afforded
                                                              a platform for people to share how they are affected by gangsterism
                                                              as individuals, families and communities. It further taught children
        During the period under review, we continued to implement a   how to reach out for help when they feel bullied and/or are
        range of policies, laws and programmes in intensifying our efforts   pressured into joining gangs.
        to fight poverty, improve the lives of ordinary South Africans and
        move them towards sustainable livelihoods. This report outlines   During the period under review, we implemented the Universal
        our achievements in all key areas of work and bears testimony to   Treatment Curriculum (UTC) in seven (7) public treatment centres
        our continued determination to realise these goals.   namely;  Nkangala  Treatment  Centre  in  Mpumalanga,  Northern
                                                              Cape Substance Dependency Centre in Northern Cape, Seshego
        Social Development remains a key player in improving the lives   Treatment Centre in Limpopo, Newlands Park  Treatment Centre
        of  the majority of our  population. As  such,  we strengthened  our   in KwaZulu-Natal, FF Ribeiro Treatment Centre in Gauteng and JB
        efforts to expand our services to people with disabilities, victims of   Marks Treatment Centre in North West. This has strengthened the
        gender-based violence, the elderly, those who use drugs, and those   provision of evidence-based treatment modalities and application
        affected by HIV and AIDS, among others.               of treatment tools for Substance Use Disorders concerning
                                                              treatment, care, rehabilitation, recovery and support.  We also
        With regards to our mandate and commitment to improving the   conducted capacity-building training on the National Drug Master
        lives of persons with disabilities, we have finalised the Policy on   Plan (NDMP) 2019-2024 in Limpopo and Northern Cape in March
        Social Development Services to Persons with Disabilities.  This   2022.
        Policy,  which  will  be  submitted  to  Cabinet  in  the  next  financial
        year, will ensure that DSD focuses on the social development   The NDMP 2019-2024 emphasises the importance of participatory
        directives contained in the White Paper on the Rights of Persons   interventions. In this regard, we launched provincial South African
        with Disabilities (WPRPD). We have also introduced Respite Care   Network of People Who Use Drugs structures in KwaZulu-Natal and
        Services, which are non-institutional-based services targeting   Free State provinces. These provincial structures will ensure that
        families of persons with disabilities and chronic illnesses.  We   people who use drugs speak with a unified voice and have a peer-
        developed the guidelines as well as an implementation plan for   support system.
        Respite Care Services and are gearing towards its implementation.
                                                              Through  donor  funding  from  the  German  Development  Bank,
        Another milestone is the implementation of the National Strategic   we are building Community Care Centres (CCCs) in KwaZulu-
        Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF), particularly   Natal, Limpopo and North West provinces. Since the start of the
        Pillars: 2, 3 and 4. We conducted integrated campaigns at institutions   partnership, a total of fourteen (14) CCCs have been completed.
        of higher learning, focusing on youth and their social behaviour.   These include three (3) CCCs in North West which were officially
        We  also  implemented  other  programmes  such  as  Men  and  Boys

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