Page 63 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
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        Outcome           Functional, efficient and integrated sector
        Output            Output Indicator   Annual Target       Quarterly Target  Activities        Timeframe    Budget per Ac-    Dependencies     Responsibility
                          The acquisition of   Functional Non-Profit   Liaise regularly   The Needs Assess-  2022/23 FY  R447 984.00  Dependencies on   Director: Security
                          additional office   Organisation and   with Department   ment template                                    DPWI to drive the   Management
                          accommodation for   the Child Protection   of Public Works   and User Specified                           acquisition pro-
                          Non-Profit Organi-  Registry Helpdesks  and Infrastructure   Accommodation                                cess on behalf of
                          sation and the Child                   (DPWI) on the ac-  Schedule are popu-                              the Department.
                          Protection Registry                    quisition of office   lated and signed off
                          Helpdesks                              accommodation.   by the Accounting

                                                                                  DPWI professional
                                                                                  services to conduct
                                                                                  a Preliminary Cost
                                                                                  Analysis (PCA) and
                                                                                  send it to the De-
                                                                                  partment that also
                                                                                  needs to be signed
                                                                                  off by the DSD Ac-
                                                                                  counting Officer.
                                                                                  Instruction will be
                                                                                  issued to DPWI:
                                                                                  REMS who will
                                                                                  sign and issue the
                                                                                  instruction to DPWI:
                                                                                  RO Pretoria.
                                                                                  Procurement added
                                                                                  to the DPWI Pro-
                                                                                  curement Plan,
                                                                                  before the procure-
                                                                                  ment process can

                                                                                  DPWI request for
                                                                                  deviation sent to
                                                                                  National Treasury

                                                                                  DPWI formulation
                                                                                  of the lease can
                                                                                  only be finalised
                                                                                  once NT approval is

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