Page 58 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 58
Outcome Functional, efficient and integrated sector
Output Output Indicator Annual Target Quarterly Target Activities Timeframe Budget per Dependencies Responsibility
Marketing and Adver- Number of people Reach sixteen (16) Four (4) million Enlisting the R3 million Adequate finan- Nomfundo Xu-
tising reached through million people reached per services of a cial and human lu-Lentsoane
placement of quarter multimedia resources.
content on various and production
media platforms agency.
including broadcast
media, digital and Liaising with line Optimisation of
social media, etc. function regard- new digital medi-
ing upcoming ums (e.g. webi-
campaigns and nars) as a form of
acquiring a mar- communicating
keting budget. information about
the Department.
Distribution of
relevant pro-
motional and
publicity materi-
al at key service
Improved Corporate Number of branding Develop and print Once off Develop and R500 000,00 Adequate finan- Nomfundo Xu-
Identity materials devel- twenty (20) wall print gener- cial and human lu-Lentsoane
oped banners, twen- ic advocacy, resources.
ty (20) teardrop promotional Sello Tang
banners and and publicity
twenty (20) twister material.
banners Updated designs.
Design and lay-
out programmes
for DSD internal
and external
events, including
Number of DSD Twelve (12) DSD Four (4) issues Design and Nomfundo Xu-
News published News issues pub- published per layout. lu-Lentsoane
lished, including quarter
special editions. Publish DSD Sello Tang
Number of DSD Twenty (20) DSD Five (5) meetings Arrange and Ms Nomfundo
Communicators Fo- Communicators held per quarter conduct Commu- Xulu-Lentsoane
rum Meetings held Forum Meeting nicators Forum
Meetings. Onicca Monare
Number of DG/ One (1) for the One (1) per an- Distribute infor- Ms Nomfundo
Minister Connect year num mation through Xulu-Lentsoane-
Sessions emails and Onicca Monare