Page 61 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 61
Sub Programme: Security Services
Purpose: To provide strategic security support services to the Department.
Security Management Services, in terms of operational security support, ensuring that an effective, efficient and robust security system exists and is effectively managed within the Department in
line with the Minimum Information Security Standards (MISS) and the Minimum Physical Security Standards (MPSS).
Outcome Functional, efficient and integrated sector
Output Output Indicator Annual Target Quarterly Target Activities Timeframe Budget per Ac- Dependencies Responsibility
Event Security South African Sports Comply with the Security provision Develop Safety and 2022/23 FY Overtime Security Dependencies Director: Security
Management and Recreational South African Sports during the DSD security plans for Directorate (30 %) on the South Afri- Management
Events Act (SASREA) and Recreational events the event R250 000,00. can Police Service
implemented. Events Act (SASREA) Attend Joint Op-
when DSD hosts Flights and ac- erational Center
events. Develop evacuation commodation for (JOC) to support
plans for the event event and assess- and approve to
ments based on host the event
Parking and trans- 200 flights and in the province
port plan 300 nights for identified.
security officials
Ensure compliance R1 500 000,00.
with all relevant
safety certification
Access and egress
Municipal compli-
ance certificates
such as health,
structure and COC
Security Investiga- Security investiga- Security Investiga- Conduct security Investigate any se- 2022/23 FY Dependent on the Director: Security
tions tions conducted, tions Reports investigations, curity breaches that State Security Management
physical security, physical security, may occur in the Agency and South
access control and surveillance se- Department. African Police
surveillance imple- curity and access Service to support
mented control in terms Compile evidence any investigations
of the Control of to assist the SSA undertaken in the
Access to Public and SAPS with any Department.
Premises and investigations.
Vehicle Act (Act 53
of 1985)