Page 201 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 201
Notes of the Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022
2.3.1 Donations received in-kind (not included in the main note or sub-note)
2021/22 2020/21
Note R’000 R’000
List in-kind transfers received
FHI360 - 957
PACT SA - 1 770
USAID/ PACTSA 27 944 31 055
DG Murry Trust 368 1 015
Nelson Mandela Foundation 836 2 669
The DG Murray Trust (DGMT) 1 053 459
Solidarity Fund 100 000 23 500
CJC Church 800 24 000
Old Mutual 800 5 675
Khula Milling - 273
Spar Group Pty (Ltd) - 12 624
Procter & Gamble 185 -
Van Schaick Bookstore 20 -
We Love You Foundation - 123
Total 132 014 104 120
The above represents a list of donations in-kind that are not linked to the RDP account.
The following prior year errors have been adjusted:
1. An error was identified in respect of the donation of R123 000 from the We Love You Foundation. The donated food parcels
were received from the donor during the 2020/21 financial year. However, the donation was not recognised during that year
due to insufficient information.
2. In the 2020/21 financial year, there was an error in the recording of donations in-kind in the Annexure and notes to financial
statements. The Department previously recorded all donations in the Annexure on "Statement of Aid Assistance Received"
and in the Aid Assistance note " Donations received in-kind (not included in the main vote). After engagements with the
National Treasury, the recording of donations has been amended as follows:
3. All donations in cash and in-kind that are received via an RDP fund agreement will be recorded in the Annexure for Aid
Assistance received (Annexure 1I) and the related note 4.5 on Donations received in-kind (not included in the main vote).
Other donations not received through an RDP fund agreement will be recorded in Annexure 1H which is the Statement of
gifts, donations and sponsorships received and in the related note 3.6.1. Comparatives have been amended accordingly.
2.4. Cash received not recognised (not included in the main note)
Amount paid to
Name of entity the revenue Balance
R’000 R’000 R’000
Early Childhood Development Conditional Grant 133 896 66 632 67 264
Early Childhood Development Conditional Grant - 1 140 (1 140)
Total 133 896 67 772 66 124
The amount of R133, 896 million relates to 2020/21 unspent conditional grant funds. These amounts are not classified as revenue
for the Department as it relates to unspent funds of the previous years and need to be surrendered to the Exchequer grant account
at National Treasury.
The R1,140 million was received the previous year and paid in the current year to the Exchequer grant account.