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• Policy on Income Support for 18 to 59 year olds 5. Build sector capacity
approved 6. Development of sector wide M&E framework
• Youth participating in Skills Development
Programmes 7. Clearly defined portfolio roles and responsibilities
• Policy on integrating children’s grant beneficiaries 8. Definition of the link between social development
with government services approved and social welfare
• Programme to link social protection beneficiaries to 9. Research agenda for the sector
sustainable livelihood opportunities implemented
• National Food and Nutrition Security Plan 10. Develop Social Welfare Index
implemented 11. Design the integrated social protection
• Supporting women-empowered companies (40%) information system
The DSD Sector is continuing its path of “re-inventing” 12. Identify digitisation opportunities to improve
through making a number of strategic shifts from its service delivery access and quality
current trajectory in order to deliver effectively and 13. Develop the One Plan for the sector that
efficiently on its mandate. We will continue to take incorporates the 52 district plans
lessons from the challenges experienced due to COVID 14. Develop the State and CSO partnership model
19, the imminent budget cuts, systemic issues and
the increased demand for our services. Therefore, 15. Promote the social development brand
realization of future APP targets will demand us to be
innovative using technology and maximize partnership These outputs will be impelemented through the
opportunities and improved coordination of the DSD APPs of the DSD Sector.
Sector. DSD has begun a fundamental paradigm shift
to ensure that all plans begin to address the felt needs Two key developments both in the Department and the
of our people. globe generally determined the key focus areas and the
state of Human Resources.
Firstly, the MTSF process provided the Department
with an opportunity to review / revisit its strategic
trajectory. To this end the Department embarked on
a process to “re-invent / re-imagine” as the strategic
trust of the Department. This MTSF process had major
implications for the HR Function of the Department. The
Organisational structure of the Department had to be
aligned to the new re-imagined / re-invented strategy
to ensure effective service delivery. Government
Technical Advisory Services was enlisted to support the
Department in the re-alignment exercise.
The COVID-19 pandemic was the second area that
required the HR function of the Department had to
HSDS adopted a mantra “Building cohesive, resilient
families and communities by investing in people to review its modus operandi as it had to respond to
reduce poverty and vulnerability to create sustainable the various levels of lockdowns, regulations issued
livelihoods” to re-invent the DSD Sector. Imvuselelo/ by the Department of Health and the Department of
Revival was convened to begin to unpack this mantra, Employment and Labour as well as the Department
and create a platform to kick-off the planning process of Public Service and Administration Directives and
for the 2022/23, to advance the commitment of re- Circulars.
inventing the DSD Sector.
a) Re-alignment of Organisational Structure:
At the Imvuselelo, the following sector outputs were
adopted to be part of the APP: The first key priority area during the period under
review was, as alluded to earlier the realignment of the
Organisational Structure to the Strategy. The approach
1. Create jobs for youth, women and persons with
disabilities followed by the Department was to adopt a holistic
approach and not review the structure in isolation to key
2. Link beneficiaries to economic opportunities dependencies in the value chain that would support an
3. Sector service delivery model designed – effective organisation. The approach was therefore to
including shared services model start with defining the service delivery model, which has
been concluded, look at the leadership model that will
4. Organisational structures designed that enable support the structure and to this end the Departmental
greater service delivery and customer focus