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Persons with Disabilities and develop user specification Community Development
on community-based systems for personal assistance
to support independent living within the community As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department
for persons with disabilities. The Department will had to continue providing food parcels to impoverished
continue to address challenges experienced by women and vulnerable persons and households. The DSD Food
and young people through this APP. The following and Nutrition Programme provided food to a total of 10
programmes provides high level context to some of the 006 423 vulnerable individuals and 2 348 848 vulnerable
interventions to be undertaken: households by the end of March 2021. The Food and
Nutrition Security Program helps to achieve the goal of
Comprehensive Social Security increasing access to a wide range of nutritious foods at
reasonable prices.
Parliament enacted the Social Assistance Amendment
Bill in October 2020, and the President signed it in During this period, the Department will continue to
December 2020. The Bill prepares the stage for the strengthen its participation in the District Development
introduction of a Child Support Grant (CSG) top-up Model including a DSD plan. The Department
program, which will provide a greater CSG to orphans will coordinate DSD participation in the Districts
living with family members. This policy is intended to Development Model in 18 districts. Furthermore, a
help approximately 540 000 orphans at a cost of R1.5 total of 18 districts will be capacitated on Community
billion per year. In addition, the Department finalized the Mobilisation and Empowerment Framework towards
Green Paper on Comprehensive Social Security Reforms, the implementation of the DDM.
which had been discussed at NEDLAC for the previous
four years. The study provides major and far-reaching INTERNAL ENVIRONMENT
recommendations for overhauling our current social
security system. The reforms will create a social security The Social Development Sector provides social
system that covers everyone in the country, ensuring protection services and leads government efforts
that those who are unable to support themselves to forge partnerships through which vulnerable
receive social grants, and that those in both formal and individuals, groups and communities become capable
informal employment have an institutional platform to and self-reliant participants. This mandate requires
make mandatory and voluntary contributions to cover the organizational structure and the fiscal resources
themselves and their families in the event of retirement, to effectively address the triple challenges of poverty,
death, or disability. unemployment and inequality as articulated in the
National Development Plan (NDP).
Welfare Services Policy Development and
Implementation Support This APP reflect the commitments of the NDP, , MTSF
Priorities, NASP 2022/2023, our Political Priorities,
The Department continues to make significant efforts to Executive Performance Agreement, Budgetary Review
improve access to substance misuse treatment services, and Recommendations Report (BRRR) as well as the
as seen by the construction of public treatment centers specific DSD mandate and context, so as to improve the
in the Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Free State, and quality of life for the poor and vulnerable.
North West in the fiscal year 2020/21. In addition, the
Department received €9 million (9 million pounds) in The DSD together with SASSA and NDA has taken
financing to build 17 Community Care Centres (CCCs) in into consideration the issues emanating from the
NW, KZN, and LP. Until 2019, a total of 11 of the 17 CCCs Presidents’ SONA 2022 and the alignment of the APP
were completed with 6 in KZN, 3 in NW, and 2 in LP. The to the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan.
Department was able to finish three more CCCs in NW Among others, the following performance areas reflects
in 2020/2021, increasing the total to 14. Community alignment of the APP to the Economic Reconstruction
Care Centres work to improve service delivery in all and Recovery Plan:
beneficiary communities by ensuring that multiple
partners provide integrated and comprehensive • Presidential Employment Stimulus Package (in the
services in a safe and well-equipped location. Through current APP 2021/2022)
a collaboration with the Department of Public Works • Create 176 474 EPWP work opportunities through
and Infrastructure, the Department was able to secure Social Sector EPWP Programmes
a state-owned facility for the Gender-Based Violence • Monthly payment of social grant beneficiaries as
Command Centre. administered and paid by SASSA on behalf of DSD
• R350 Special COVID-19 Grant
• Report on the State of the People of South Africa
• Sector strategy for the employment of Social Service
Professionals approved
• Social Welfare Index Report developed