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3. VISION, MISSION, VALUES AND resources in an effective and responsible manner.
PRINCIPLES • Collaboration - the process of two or more people or
organizations working together to complete a task
or achieve a goal.
3.1 MANDATE • Discipline - the practice of training people to obey
rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to
The mandate of DSD is: correct disobedience.
The Social Development Sector provides social
protection services and leads government efforts 3.6 UPDATED SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS
to forge partnerships through which vulnerable
individuals, groups and communities become capable EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT
and self-reliant participants in thier own development.
South Africa is making progress in managing the socio-
3.2 VISION economic effects of COVID-19. The country’s vaccination
campaign has steadily seen the country move towards
The vision of DSD is: the targeted herd immunity levels for some of the age
A caring and self-reliant society groups and this has enabled government to upscale
the implementation of the recovery and reconstruction
3.3 MISSION strategy. Although progress is being made with
regard to managing the pandemic, the country faces
The mission of DSD is: many social challenges, chief of these being high
Provision of integrated, comprehensive and sustainable unemployment rates; burden of disease and inequality.
social development services
Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) estimates that by mid-
3.4 VALUES 2021 the population was at 60,14 million people. This
is a steady increase from 59 million from the same time
DSD’s values are: in the previous year. There has been a slight increase in
• Respect – showing due regard for the rights and the number of people living with HIV (PLWHIV) which
obligations of others is now estimated at approximately 8,2 million in 2021.
• Equality and equity – treating everyone fairly and For adults aged 15–49 years, an estimated 19,5% of
equally the population is HIV positive. This increase requires
• Accountability – taking ownership for decisions and close monitoring as there might be an increase in social
actions and accepting the consequences that come services rendered to this cohort. It is also important
with them to note that Stats SA has reported a reduction in
• Caring – showing sympathy and concern; embodying international migration, which is indicative of the
heart for all stakeholders and beneficiaries COVID-19 travel restrictions and subsequent impact on
• Human dignity – respecting everyone’s human migratory patterns since March 2020. Migration is an
rights important demographic process, as it shapes the age
structure and distribution of the provincial population.
3.5 PRINCIPLES GUIDING HOW WE WORK In the main, keeping tabs of the population structure
will assist the Department in planning for efficient
DSD operates according to the following principles: delivery of services that it offers. The proportion of
the elderly as well as of the youth remains on the
• Batho Pele principles – The Batho Pele principles increase and this has implications for social welfare
aim to enhance the quality and accessibility of and development services, especially as the country
government services by improving efficiency and discusses further interventions to caution the youth
accountability to the recipients of public goods and against the scourge of the pandemic and the increasing
services. unemployment rate.
• Social justice - Social justice is a concept of fair and
just relations between the individual and society. Furthermore, about 28,3% of the population is aged
People should have equal access to wealth, health, younger than 15 years (17,04 million) and approximately
well-being, justice, and opportunity. 9,2% (5,51 million) is 60 years or older. Of those younger
• Human rights - are rights inherent to all human than 15 years of age, the majority reside in Gauteng
beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, (21,8%) and KwaZulu-Natal (21,2%). The proportion of
language, religion, or any other status. It includes elderly persons aged 60 years and older in South Africa
the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery has continued to increase despite the pandemic (which
and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the has seen more deaths in the older age groups compared
right to work and education, and many more. to other age groups) and as such policies and programs
• Good Governance - describes how the Department to care for the needs of this growing population should
will conduct public affairs and manage public be prioritized.