Page 227 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 227


                Not  es o f the  Annual Financial Stat      ements f   or the  y
                Notes to the Appropriation Statement for the Year ended 31 March 2022ear ended 31 March 2022

                                    GRANT ALLOCATION                        TRANSFER                                 SPENT                            2020/21
                                                                                     Re-allocations                                        % of
                           Division                                                                   Amount                                      Division
        NAME OF                of      Roll   Adjustments   Total     Actual   Funds   by National   received   spent by    Unspent    available       of     Actual
                                                                                       Treasury or
        PROVINCE /        Revenue    Overs               Available  Transfer  Withheld   National         by   department     funds     spent by   Revenue   Transfer
        GRANT                 Act                                                                  department                                         Act
                                                                                       Department                                    department
                            R’000    R’000       R'000     R'000      R'000    R'000          %        R'000      R'000       R'000          %      R’000     R’000
        Summary by grant
        DEVELOPMENT       1 056 661       -     178 000  1 234 661    1 234 661     -           -   1 234 661   1 218 403     16 258       99%   1 411 399   1 411 399
        Total            1 056 661        -    178 000  1 234 661    1 234 661     -            -   1 234 661   1 218 403    16 258              1 411 399   1 411 399

        Eastern Cape       157 970               26 611    184 581    184 581                         184 581    206 869     (22 288)     112%     193 934    193 934
        Free State          63 533               10 702    74 235    74 235                            74 235     86 432     (12 197)     116%      94 648    94 648
        Gauteng            152 107               25 623    177 730    177 730                         177 730    191 322     (13 592)     108%     212 992    212 992
        Kwazulu-Natal      227 031               38 245    265 276    265 276                         265 276    268 038      (2 762)     101%     283 335    283 335
        Limpopo            143 443               24 164    167 607    167 607                         167 607    165 931       1 676       99%     185 965    185 965
        Mpumalanga          96 251               16 214    112 465    112 465                         112 465     99 137      13 328       88%     123 244    123 244
        Northern Cape       25 302                4 262    29 564     29 564                           29 564     27 210       2 354       92%      66 457    66 457
        North West          88 751               14 951    103 702    103 702                         103 702     62 249      41 453       60%     110 605    110 605
        Western Cape       102 273               17 228    119 501    119 501                         119 501    111 215       8 286       93%     140 219    140 219
        Total            1 056 661        -    178 000  1 234 661    1 234 661     -            -   1 234 661   1 218 403    16 258              1 411 399   1 411 399

       National Departments are reminded of the DORA requirements to indicate any re-allocations by the National Treasury or the transferring department, certify that all transfers in terms of this Act were
       deposited into the primary bank account of a province or, where appropriate, into the CPD account of a province as well as indicate the funds utilised for the administration of the receiving officer.

         Up to the end of the fourth quarter of the 2021/22 financial year, there has not been any re-allocations by the National Treasury or by the Department.  The Department hereby certifies that that all
         transfers in terms of this Act were deposited into the primary bank account of a province or, where appropriate, into the CPD account of a province.  Funds were made available to provincial DSDs to
         administer the ECD conditional grant. At the end of March 2022 an amount of R24,168 million was spent by provincial DSDs for the administration of the ECD Conditional Grant.

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