Page 225 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 225


                Notes of the Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022

        34. Prior period errors

        34.1 Correction of prior period errors
                                                         Amount before error                             Restated
         Expenditure: Tangible capital assets   Note                           Prior period error
                                                                 correction                               amount
                                                                    R’000               R’000              R’000
         Intangible Capital Assets: Software (Opening   31           9 331               2 847             12 178
         Net effect                                                 9 331                2 847             12 178

          Irregular expenditure, fruitless and wasteful   Note  Amount before error   Prior period error  Restated
         expenditure                                             correction                              amount
                                                                    R’000               R’000              R’000
         Irregular Expenditure                                     10 599               (229)              10 370
         Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditures                         1 477              (917)                560
         Net effect                                                12 076             (1 146)             10 930

        35. INVENTORIES
        35.1. Correction of prior period errors
                                                                                    Sanitary and
         Inventories for the year ended 31 March 2022             Food Items                               TOTAL
                                                                                 Hygiene products
                                                                      R’000              R’000              R’000
         Opening balance                                                123
         Add/(Less):  Adjustments to prior year balances                                      -               123
         (Less): Disposals                                                                  185               185
         Add/(Less): Received current, not paid                         -123                                 -123
         (Paid current year, received prior year)
         Closing balance                                                  -                185               185

          Sanitary and hygiene products donated by Procter & Gamble amounting to R185 000 were not yet distributed as of 31 March 2022.
          The food items donated by the We Love You Foundation amounting to R123 000 were distributed in full by 30 September 2021.

         Inventories for the year ended 31 March 2021                                 Food Items           TOTAL
                                                                                          R’000             R’000
         Opening balance
         Add/(Less):  Adjustments to prior year balances                                    123               123
         Add/(Less): Adjustments                                                               -                -
         Closing balance                                                                    123              123

          There was a prior year error identified in respect of the donation of R123 000 from the We love You Foundation. The donated food
          parcels were received from the donor during the 2020/21 financial year. However, the donation was not recognised during that year
          due to insufficient information. The opening balance of donations in kind has been adjusted accordingly.

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