Page 219 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 219


                Notes of the Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022


                                                                        No. of
                                                                    Individuals        2021/22           2020/21
                                                                                          R’000             R’000
         Political office bearers (provide detail below)
         Officials:                                                         2              4 423            4 380
          Level 15 and 16                                                   5            10 449            10 178
          Level 14                                                         28            41 079             39 127
         Family members of key management personnel                         3              1 258             2 007
         Total                                                                           57 209            55 692

        28. PROVISIONS
                                                                                        2021/22          2020/21
                                                                                           R’000            R’000
          Social Assistance Debtors over recovery                                          14 888          16 080
          Civil Claim (Disaster Relief Drought)                                                 -           1 976
          Good sold and delivered                                                              41               -
          Vicarious Liability                                                                  -             150
          Child protection                                                                   103                -
          Access to information                                                               77                -
         Total                                                                            15 109          18 206

        28.1 Reconciliation of movement in provisions – 2021/22
                                                    Social  Civil Claim (Disaster              Child
                                                 Assistance   Relief Drought) and   Vicarious   protection and   Total
                                               Debtors over    Good sold and   Liability    Access to   provisions
                                                  recovery         delivered              information
                                                    R’000            R’000      R’000                       R’000
         Opening balance                            16 080            1 976        150             -       18 206
         Increase in provision                                         559          6            180         745
         Settlement of provision                    (1 192)           (2 494)    (156)             -       (3 842)
         Unused amount reversed                         -                 -          -             -            -
         Reimbursement expected from third party        -                 -          -             -            -
         Change in provision due to change in           -                 -          -             -            -
         estimation of inputs
         Closing balance                            14 888               41         -            180       15 109

          Social Assistance Debtors relates to credit balances on Social Assistance debtors’ listings. The balance has decreased from the 2020/21
          financial year mainly due to refunds made to the debtors. Included in the balance are credit balances relating to overpayment of
          debt balances managed by SASSA on the BAS System and overpayments of debt balances administered by the SIU on behalf of the
          The timing of the refunds is uncertain as the details of the debtor including debtors’ banking details need be determined. The amount
          refundable has been reliably determined by considering the interest rates that have been published by the Minister of Finance.

          Civil Claim (Disaster Relief Drought) - Payment was affected.
          Access to information: The notice of intention to tax the Bill was forwarded to the office of the State Attorney for further processing.
          Child protection: Instructions to pay were forwarded to the Office of the State Attorney, proof of payment is still awaited.
          Vicarious Liability: The matter was settled out of Court and the Department instructed for the matter to be settled, however proof of
          payment is still awaited.
           Good sold and delivered: The Department instructed the Office of the State Attorney to settle litigation costs and the costs of suit,
          proof of payment is still awaited

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