Page 214 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 214


              Notes of the Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022

          Clause 6.1 of PHSDSBC Resolution 2 of 2017 state that deductions of ‘no work, no pay’ shall be made with regards to employees
          who participated in the strike upon conclusion of negotiations in terms of Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 of the framework agreement, in
          the  PHSDSBC.  Clauses  4.1  and  4.2  are  in  relation  to  rural  allowance  and  occupation-specific  dispensation  (OSD).  Unfortunately,
          the negotiations in this regard are not yet concluded and the implementation of ‘no work, no pay’ is inconsistent with PHSDSBC
          Resolution 2 of 2017. The recovery of the contingent asset (no work, no pay) is depending on the National Treasury and Department
          Public Service and Administration for implementation on the matter and both Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 have not been fully implemented
          yet. The NEHAWU strike is removed from the contingent asset as the matter has not been resolved since 2016/17 and the probability
          of recovery is remote.

                                                                              Note         2021/22       2020/21
                                                                                             R’000          R’000
         Buildings and other fixed structures                                                17 000          826
         Machinery and equipment                                                              2 022         4 168
         Total                                                                              19 022         4 994

          The increase is due to the KFW building project of Community Care Centres to be finalised in the next financial year.


                                                                                            2021/22      2020/21
                                                                                              R’000         R’000
         Listed by economic classification                        30 Days     30+ Days         Total        Total
         Goods and services                                        24 927         1 435      26 362         4 365
         Transfers and subsidies                                  129 261      493 183      622 444       131 148
         Total                                                   154 188       494 618      648 806      135 513

                                                                              Note          2021/22      2020/21
                                                                                              R’000         R’000
         Listed by programme level
         Administration                                                                      22 357         2 639
         Social Security Policy and Administration                                              221            98
         Welfare Services Policy Development and Implementation                               3 183         1 129
         Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery                                          601           499
         Social Assistance                                                                  622 444       131 148
         Total                                                                              648 806      135 513

         Increase in DSD invoices is due to supplier invoices received after reporting date.
         The amount of R622,444 million represents the amounts approved for the SRD R350 grant that were not yet paid as at 31 March
         2022. This amount includes an amount of R131, 148 million which was not recorded in the 2020/21 financial year as it was not
         required for disclosure in that Financial year.

        21.1. Accruals
          The increase in DSD invoices is due to supplier invoices received after reporting date.
          The amount of R622,444 million represents the amounts approved for the SRD R350 grant that was not yet paid as at 31 March 2022.
          This amount includes an amount of R131,148 million which was not recorded in the 2020/21 financial year as it was not required for
          disclosure in that financial year.

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