Page 216 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 216


              Notes of the Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022

                                                             Buildings and other     Machinery and
         2020/21                                                                                             Total
                                                                fixed  structures       equipment
                                                                        R’000               R’000            R’000
         Later than one (1) year and not later than five (5) years      28 908                   -           28 908
         Total lease commitments                                       56 156                 137           56 293

          The material amount relates to the Leasing of the Department’s office accommodation and parking for the Pretoria Head Office.
          Included in this amount is the extended period of additional two (2) years. This amount was not included the previous year.
          Machinery and equipment relate to fifty-four (54) photocopy machines that were leased from October 2021.

          There are no sub-lease agreements

        23.2. Finance leases **

                                                                                    Machinery and            Total
         2021/22                                                                       equipment
                                                                                           R’000             R’000
         Not later than one (1) year                                                       4 289             4 289
         Later than one (1) year and not later than five (5) years                            7                  7
         Total lease commitments                                                           4 296             4 296

                                                                                    Machinery and            Total
         2020/21                                                                       equipment
                                                                                           R’000             R’000
         Later than one (1) year and not later than five (5) years                         4 261             4 261
         Total lease commitments                                                          10 407            10 407

          The Financial Lease amounts relate to cell phone contracts, Government Garage vehicles and data cards contracts. Two cell phone
          contracts will be expiring in 2023.

          There are no sub lease agreements

        24.1. Reconciliation of irregular expenditure
                                                                              Note         2021/22        2020/21
                                                                                             R’000           R’000
         Opening balance                                                                    10 541           10 599
         Prior period error                                                                                  (229)
         As restated                                                                        10 541          10 370
         Add: Irregular expenditure – relating to current year                24.2          14 667            3 047
         Less: Prior year amounts condoned                                    24.3           (5 856)         (2 876)
         Closing balance                                                                    19 352          10 541

         Analysis of closing balance
         Current year                                                                       14 667            3 047
         Prior years                                                                          4 685          7 494
         Total                                                                              19 352           10 541

          A closing balance of R19,352,000 has cases amounting to R 3,151 that have been submitted to National Treasury to consider for
          condonement. These cases were finalised by the Loss Control Committee and are awaiting a response from National Treasury.  A
          remainder of cases amounting to R1,764,000 is still under investigation.

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