Page 191 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 191


              Notes to the Appropriation Statement for the year ended 31 March 2022

       1. Detail of transfers and subsidies as per Appropriation Act (after Virement):
       The detail of these transactions can be viewed in the note on Transfers and Subsidies, Disclosure Notes and Annexure 1 (A-H) to the Annual
       Financial Statements.

       2. Detail of specifically and exclusively appropriated amounts VOTE 19 (after Virement):
       The detail of these transactions can be viewed in note 1 (Annual Appropriation) to the Annual Financial Statements.

       3. Detail on payments for financial assets
       The detail of these transactions per programme can be viewed in the note on Payments for Financial Assets to the Annual Financial Statements.

       4. Explanations of material variances from Amounts VOTE 19 (after Virement):
                                                          Final         Actual                 Variance as a % of Final
          4.1  Per programme                                                     Variance R’000
                                                   Appropriation    Expenditure                        Appropriation
         Administration                                     474 797             472 269                2 528   0.53%
           Current payment                                  456 583    453 958                 2 625        0.57%
           Transfers and Subsidies                              3 111                2 823                  288   9.26%
           Payment of Capital Assets                          15 103    15 488          (385)              -2.55%

           The underspending relates to normal staff turnover and operational savings during the financial year.

           Social Assistance                         224 542 226      222 717 897         1 824 329         0.81%
           Current payment                                              -                       -                       -   -
           Transfers and Subsidies                   224 542 226      222 717 897         1 824 329         0.81%
           Payment of Capital Assets                                   -                      -                      -   -

           The underspending relates to the Old Age and Child Support grants for which less than expected beneficiaries have applied and are
           being paid during the financial year.

          Social Security Policy and Administration         8 072 401          8 052 807              19 594   0.24%
           Current payment                                  105 206              86 350              18 856   17.92%
           Transfers and Subsidies                        7 966 201          7 965 463                  738   0.01%
           Payment of Capital Assets                               994                   994                       -   0.00%

           The underspending relates to the net effect of the non-establishment of the Inspectorate as a result of the delay in the approval of
           the Social Assistance Bill in Cabinet during the 3   quarter of the 2021/22 financial year.

        Welfare Services Policy Development and
        Implementation Support                            1 516 316          1 505 208              11 108   0.73%
         Current payment                                      229 385             224 793                4 592   2.00%
         Transfers and Subsidies                           1 284 255          1 278 360                5 895   0.46%
         Payment of Capital Assets                         2 676           2 055             621           23.21%

         The underspending was due to the Covid-19 restrictions which resulted in less travelling, accommodation bookings and outreach
         programs for the financial year, as well as the payments to National Councils that were denied as a result of non-compliance.

        Social Policy and Integrated Service Delivery            366 378             360 751                5 627   1.54%
          Current payment                                     118 079             112 674                5 405   4.58%
          Transfers and Subsidies                             247 911             247 716                  195   0.08%
          Payment of Capital Assets                         388             361                       27      6.96%

          The underspending relates to operational savings due to the reduction of events and outreach programmes scheduled during the
          financial year as a result of Covid-19 restrictions.

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