Page 185 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 185
Appropriation Stat
Notes to the Appropriation Statement for the Year ended 31 March 2022ear ended 31 March 2022
Not es o f the Annual Financial Stat ements f or the y
ement f
ear ended 31 March 2022
or the
Programme 3: Social Security Policy And Administration
2021/22 2020/21
Adjusted Shifting Virement Final Actual Variance as % of final Final Actual
Appropriation of Funds Appropriation Expenditure Appropriation Expenditure
R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 R'000 % R'000 R'000
Sub programme
1 Social Security Policy Development 67 038 10 613 (1 391) 76 260 60 355 15 905 79.1% 54 359 34 803
2 Appeals Adjudication 41 008 (10 613) (2 315) 28 080 25 881 2 199 92.2% 37 585 23 301
3 Social Grants Administration 7 893 008 - - 7 893 008 7 893 008 - 100.0% 7 416 204 7 416 205
4 Social Grants Fraud Investigations 70 893 - - 70 893 70 893 - 100.0% 72 578 72 576
5 Programme Management 5 513 - (1 353) 4 160 2 670 1 490 64.2% 5 105 1 652
Total 8 077 460 - (5 059) 8 072 401 8 052 807 19 594 99.8% 7 585 831 7 548 537
Economic classification
Current payments 105 892 2 472 (3 158) 105 206 86 350 18 856 82.1% 92 031 58 089
Compensation of employees 66 393 - - 66 393 49 188 17 205 74.1% 57 889 50 304
Goods and services 39 499 2 472 (3 158) 38 813 37 162 1 651 95.7% 34 142 7 785
Administrative fees 555 - - 555 92 463 16.6% 595 50
Advertising 1 060 - (700) 360 408 (48) 113.3% 805 25
Minor assets 1 535 - - 1 535 - 1 535 - 1 501 140
Bursaries: Employees 78 - - 78 - 78 - 78 -
Catering: Departmental activities 577 - (200) 377 194 183 51.5% 542 -
Communication (G&S) 956 10 582 - 11 538 25 999 (14 461) 225.3% 982 837
Computer services 3 744 (2 744) - 1 000 - 1 000 - 1 029 -
Consultants: Business and advisory services 12 009 (3 961) - 8 048 1 698 6 350 21.1% 9 776 2 820
Legal services 1 650 - - 1 650 3 278 (1 628) 198.7% 2 395 1 533
Contractors 239 - (200) 39 - 39 - 241 3
Entertainment 58 - - 58 10 48 17.2% 57 6
Fleet services (including government motor
921 - - 921 1 055 114.5% 961 876
transport) (134)
Consumable supplies 262 - - 262 13 249 5.0% 151 32
Consumable: Stationery, printing and office
2 366 - (700) 1 666 518 1 148 31.1% 2 487 373