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Children’s Legislation and Families
Annual Targets
Outcome Outputs Output Audited Performance Estimated MTEF Period
Indicators Performance
2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25
Empow- A Revised Revised White Monitor the im- White Paper Revise White Consulted Re- Present the Present the -
ered, White Paper Paper on Fami- plementation of on Families Paper on vised White Pa- Revised White Revised White
resilient on Families lies approved the White Paper was not Families per on Families Paper on Fami- Paper on Families
individuals, on Families reviewed lies to Technical to Cabinet
families Working Group
and for FOSAD
sustainable Sector % of the sector New indicator New indica- New indica- New indicator Capacitate 20% Capacitate 30% Capacitate 30%
communi- workforce workforce tor tor of the sector of the sector of the sector
ties capacitated capacitated on workforce on workforce on the workforce on the
on the Chil- the Children’s the Children’s Children’s Act Children’s Act
dren’s Act Act Act
A produced Annual mon- New indicator New indica- New indi- New indicator Consolidate the Consolidate the Consolidate the
annual re- itoring report tor cator annual moni- annual moni- annual moni-
port of DSD on the imple- toring report toring report on toring report on
Integrated mentation of on the DSD the DSD imple- the DSD imple-
Schools ISHP Plan to implementation mentation of mentation of
Health curb teenage of ISHP Plan to ISHP Plan to curb ISHP Plan to curb
Programme pregnancy curb teenage teenage preg- teenage preg-
(ISHP) Plan consolidated pregnancy nancy nancy
to curb
A produced Sinovuyo Teen New indicator New indica- New indica- Conduct capac- Consolidate an- Consolidate Consolidate
annual moni- Parent digital tor tor ity building on nual monitoring annual monitor- annual monitor-
toring report programme im- the Sinovuyo report on the ing report on the ing report on the
on the Sin- plemented Teen Parent dig- Sinovuyo Teen Sinovuyo Teen Sinovuyo Teen
ovuyo Teen ital programme Parent digital Parent digital Parent digital
Parent digital for implementa- programme programme programme
programme tion by provinces