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P. 46
Annual Target
Output Indicators Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Policy on Develop a consultations report Complete consultation Consult relevant Consult relevant stake- Consultations report on
integrating on draft policy on plan stakeholders holders policy for integrating chil-
children’s grant integrating Consultation with rele- dren’s grant
beneficiaries children’s grant vant stakeholders beneficiaries with govern-
with government beneficiaries ment
services with government services services
Policy on Develop a Consultations Complete consultation Consult relevant Consult relevant stake- Develop a consultations
maternal support for vul- report on draft Policy plan stakeholders holders report on draft Policy on
nerable pregnant women on maternal Consultation with rele- maternal support for vul-
and children support for vant stakeholders nerable pregnant women
approved vulnerable and children
pregnant women
and children
Policy on Develop a consultations report Develop a consultation Consult relevant Consult relevant stake- Develop a consultations
Income Support on draft Policy on Income Sup- plan stakeholders holders report on draft Policy for
for 18 to 59 year port for 18 to 59 year olds Income Support for 18 to 59
olds approved Consult relevant stake- year olds
% of appeals adjudicated Adjudicate 70% of appeals Adjudicate 70% of Adjudicate 70% of Adjudicate 70% of Adjudicate 70% of
within 90 days of receipt within 90 days of receipt appeals within 90 days of appeals within 90 appeals within 90 days of appeals within 90 days of
receipt days of receipt receipt receipt
Audit report on the Social Produce an Audit report on Approved audit planning Conduct Audit on Conduct Audit on Disabil- Produce an Audit report on
Assistance Disability Grant Medical Review documents on Disability Disability Grant Medi- ity Grant Medical Review Disability Grant Medical
Frameworks and Systems Processes Grant Medical Review cal Review Processes Processes Review Processes
produced Processes
Policy on Voluntary Cover Submit the draft Policy on Update the draft policy Submit and present Submit the draft Policy on Submit the draft Policy on
for Retirement and Risk Voluntary Cover for Retirement paper with inputs from to internal DSD gov- Voluntary Cover for Re- Voluntary Cover for Retire-
Benefits for Atypical and Risk Benefits for Atypical the consultation report ernance structures tirement and Risk Benefits ment and Risk Benefits for
and Informal Sector and Informal Sector Workers to for Atypical Atypical
Workers approved SPCHD DG Cluster and Informal Sector Work- and Informal Sector Work-
ers for SEAIS certification ers to SPCHD DG Cluster