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       Sub-Programme: Information Management Systems and Technology
        Outcome         Functional, efficient and integrated sector
        Output          Output Indica-  Annual Target       Quarterly       Activities           Timeframe     Budget per     Dependencies         Responsibility
                        tor                                 Target                                             Activity
        Connectivity im-  Network access  Cabling of the 9  floor  Q1: Network   1.   Floor assess-  April-June 22  R2 980 000  1.   Approved floor   Director: Programme
        plementation                                        cabling            ments                                              plan             Management
                                                                            2.   Installation net-
                                                                               work of cables
                                                                            3.   Installation of
                                                                               network points
                                                                            4.   Patching of net-
                                                                               work points
                                                                            5.   Testing of network
                                                                            6.   Connection to the
                                                                               new network
                                                                            7.   Implementation of
                                                                               cabling for the 9
                                                            Q2-Q4: Mainte-  8.   floor
                                                                               Maintainance and
                                                            nance and sup-     support
                                                            port of cabling
        Improved tele-                 Telephone services   Q1: New tele-   1.   Installation of   March –June    R2 500 000.00  1.   Successful Num-  Director: Programme
        phony system                                        phone system        new telephone    22                               ber Porting      Management
                                                                                system                                        2.   Implementation
                                                                            2.   Configuration of                                 approvals
                                                                                the solution                                  3.   ONB document
                                                                            3.   Connection of
                                                                                new telephone
                                                                            4.   Testing of tele-
                                                                                phone systems
                                                            Q2-Q4: Main-    5.   Implement tele-
                                                            tenance and         phony system
                                                            support of tele-  6.   Maintainance and
                                                            phone service       support

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