Page 445 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
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        Outcome          Reduced levels of poverty, inequality, vulnerability and social ills
        Output           Output Indicator  Annual Target   Quarterly       Activities                Timeframe  Budget per Ac-   Dependencies     Responsibility
                                                           Target                                               tivity
                                           Conduct a legis-  Conduct prelim-  Conduct review of relevant   Apr-June   R207 000   (DSD and DG Mur-  Directorate: NPO
                                           lative review to   inary review.   legislation.           2022                        ray Trust partner-  Funding Coordina-
                                           determine the                                                                         ship).           tion
                                           developmental                   Conduct review of court
                                           social services                 orders.
                                           that are statutory
                                           in nature.                      Compile a report

                                           Develop transfor-  Gather and   Review all documents relevant  Apr-June    R70 000    DSD and DG Mur-  Directorate: NPO
                                           mation scorecard  review existing   to transformation scorecard.   2022               ray Trust partner-  Funding Coordina-
                                                           relevant mate-                                       (Costs covered   ship             tion
                                                           rial                                                 through DSD and
                                                                           Develop  a  draft  self-assess-      DG Murray Trust
                                                                           ment  tool  to  gather  informa-     partnership).
                                                                           tion on transformation status
                                                                           of NPOs and entities in sector.

                                                                           solicit  input  from  relevant

                                                                           Publish  tools  on  government
                                                                           gazette  for  stakeholder  com-

                                                                           Hold virtual consultation with
                                                                           relevant external stakehold-
                                                           Quarter 2: Con-  Conduct capacity building   July-Sept   R300 000     SCM Processes    Directorate: NPO
                                                           duct capacity   on train-the-trainer on DSD   2022                                     Funding Coordina-
                                                           building in 4   sector funding policy                                                  tion

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