Page 250 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
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DISASTER RELIEF FUND                                                        PART E: FINANCIAL INFORMATION
                 Notes to the Financial Statements of the Disaster Relief Fund for the year
                 ended 31 march 2022

        9.1.3  Financial Assets
                                                                                                2021/22  2020/21
                                                                                        R’000              R’000
             Cost                                                                       31,314             30,291
             Interest Accrued                                                            1,169              1,182
             Closing Balance                                                           32,483              31,473

        9.1.4 Liquidity Risk
             Liquidity risk is the risk that the Disaster Relief Fund will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The Disaster
             Relief Fund’s approach to managing liquidity is to ensure that the investment terms chosen will ensure that it will always have
             sufficient liquidity to meet its liabilities when due. The Disaster Relief Fund monitors its cash flow requirements and optimises its
             cash return on investments.

                                                                                     2021/22             2020/21
            Cash and Cash Equivalents
                                                                                        R’000               R’000
             Cash and balances with banks                                                 872               1,031
             Investments                                                               31,611              30,442
            Total                                                                      32,483              31,473

        9.1.5   Interest Rate Rwisk
             The  Disaster  Relief  Fund  manages  its  interest  risk  by  effectively  investing  surplus  funds  with  different  accredited  financial
             institutions. Any movement in interest rate will affect interest income. Interest income is capitalised and will therefore not affect
             the operations of the Disaster Relief Fund.

                                                                              2021/22                            2020/21
                                                                                R’000                              R’000
                                                                    Change      Effective Rate                        Effective Rate

         Investment                                          (0,19%)            3,69%                                    3,88%

        9.1.6   Interest risk sensitivity analysis

                                                                                             31,611        30,442
              0.19% interest fluctuation impact                                                          60.06  821.93

        9.1.7    Foreign Exchange Risk
              The Fund does not hedge foreign exchange fluctuations. The Fund does not have any foreign account receivables, foreign accounts
              payables or derivative market instruments.

        9.1.8   Price Risk
              Due to the nature and extent of the Fund, there is no exposure to price risks.
        10.   Cash and Cash Equivalents
                                                                                                  2021/22  2020/21
             Cash - Bank Deposits                                                           872             1,031
             Cash - Corporation for Public Deposits                                       31,611           30,442
                 Total                                                                   32,483            31,473

              Credit quality of cash at bank and short-term deposits, excluding cash on hand.
              The credit quality of cash at bank and short-term deposits, excluding cash on hand that are neither past due nor impaired can be
              assessed by reference to external credit ratings (if available) or historical information about counterparty default rates.

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