Page 249 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 249

PART E: FINANCIAL INFORMATION                                                        DISASTER RELIEF FUND
              Notes to the Financial Statements of the Disaster Relief Fund for the year
              ended 31 March 2022

                                                                                     2021/22             2020/21
                                                                                       R’000               R’000
         2.   Revenue
                 Interest received                                                      1,169               1,182
                 Total                                                                 1,169               1,182

                                                                                     2021/22              2020/21
                                                                                       R’000                R’000
                 Travel and Accommodation                                                  7                    -
                 Fees for Services – Board Members                                       104                   9
                    Bank Charges                                                           2                   3
                    Refreshments                                                           5                   2
                    Total                                                                118                  14

                                                                                               2021/22   2020/21
                                                                                       R’000               R’000
         4.   Audit Fees                                                                  53                  35

                                                                                               2021/22   2020/21
                                                                                       R’000               R’000
         5.   Other Operating Expenses

                  Purchase                                                                 -                  48
                  Assistance to victims                                                    -              69,995
                  Civil claim and legal cost                                                -               1975

                     Total                                                                  -              72,018
        6.      Unallocated Receipts
                     Funds were received from KZN                                                           396     396
                     Waiting for source documents
         7.     Advances to Implementing Agents                                              5                    5

         8.     Civil Claim and Legal Cost                                                               1,976   1,976

         9.     Risk Management

         9.1     Financial Risk Factors

         9.1.1    Market Risk

         9.1.2    Credit Risk
               Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Disaster Relief Fund if a financial institution to a financial instrument fails to meet
               its contractual obligations.

               The Disaster Relief Fund’s exposure to credit risk is influenced only by the individual characteristics of the financial institutions
               where funds are deposited or invested.  Reputable financial institutions are used for investing and cash handling purposes.

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