Page 207 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 207


               Notes to the Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022


                                                                  Note               2021/22             2020/21
                                                                                       R’000               R’000
         Tangible assets                                                              21 342               11 629
           Buildings and other fixed structures                    32                   2 696               3 940
           Machinery and equipment                                 30                  18 646               7 689

         Intangible assets                                                               655                  69
           Software                                                 31                   655                  69
         Total                                                                        21 997              11 698
         The increase relates procurement of IT equipment such as laptops for the Department’s employees.

        7.1.  Analysis of funds utilised to acquire capital assets – 2021/22
                                                             Voted Funds        Aid assistance              Total
                                                                  R’000                R’000                R’000
         Tangible assets                                         18 243                 3 099              21 342
           Buildings and other fixed structures                                         2 696               2 696
           Machinery and equipment                               18 243                  403                18 646

         Intangible assets                                          655                                       655
           Software                                                 655                                       655
         Total                                                   18 898                3 099               21 997

         The increase relates procurement of IT equipment such as laptops for the Department’s employees.
        7.2. Analysis of funds utilised to acquire capital assets – 2020/21
                                                               Voted Funds     Aid assistance              Total
                                                                    R’000            R’000                R’000
         Tangible assets                                             7 689           3 940               11 629
           Buildings and other fixed structures                                      3 940                 3 940
           Machinery and equipment                                   7 689               -                 7 689

         Intangible assets                                             69                                    69
           Software                                                    69                -                   69
         Total                                                       7 758           3 940               11 698


        8.1. Reconciliation of unauthorised expenditure
                                                                     Note             2021/22            2020/21
                                                                       8                R’000              R’000
         Opening balance                                                            15 133 788         15 133 788
         As restated                                                                15 133 788         15 133 788
         Closing balance                                                            15 133 788         15 133 788

         Analysis of closing balance
           Unauthorised expenditure awaiting authorisation                          15 133 788         15 133 788
         Total                                                                     15 133 788          15 133 788

         The Department is waiting for National Treasury to regularise the expenditure in Cabinet and the passing of the Finance Bill to
         regularise all unauthorised expenditures related to the Social Assistance Grants paid on 30 March 2020 relating to the 2020/21
         financial year.

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