Page 175 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
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                Report of the Auditor-General to the Parliament on vote no. 19:

                Department of Social Development

        Report on the audit of the financial statements       Responsibilities  of  the  accounting  officer  for  the  financial
        Opinion                                               10.  The accounting officer is responsible for the preparation and
        1.   I  have  audited  the  financial  statements  of  the  Department   fair  presentation  of  the  financial  statements  in  accordance
            of Social Development set out on pages 179 to 228, which   with the MCS and the requirements of the PFMA and Dora, and
            comprise the appropriation statement, statement of financial   for such internal control as the accounting officer determines
            position  as  at  31  March  2022,  the  statement  of  financial   is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements
            performance, statement  of changes  in  net assets  and  cash   that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud
            flow statement for the year then ended, as well as notes to   or error.
            the  financial  statements,  including  a  summary  of  significant   11.  In preparing the financial statements, the accounting officer is
            accounting policies.                                  responsible for assessing the department’s ability to continue
        2.   In  my  opinion,  the  financial  statements  present  fairly,  in  all   as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters relating to
            material  respects,  the  financial  position  of  the  Department   going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting
            of Social Development as at 31 March 2022, and its financial   unless the appropriate governance structure either intends to
            performance  and  cash  flows  for  the  year  then  ended  in   liquidate the department or to cease operations, or has no
            accordance with the Modified Cash Standard (MCS) prescribed   realistic alternative but to do so.
            by the National Treasury and the requirements of the Public
            Finance Management Act of South Africa 1 of 1999 (PFMA) and   Auditor-general’s  responsibilities  for  the  audit  of  the  financial
            the Division of Revenue Act of South Africa 9 of 2021 (Dora).   statements
                                                              12.  My objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about
        Context for the opinion                                   whether  the  financial  statements  as  a  whole  are  free  from
        3.   I conducted my  audit in  accordance  with the  International   material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to
            Standards on Auditing (ISAs). My responsibilities under those   issue an auditor’s report that includes my opinion. Reasonable
            standards  are further  described in the  auditor-general’s   assurance is a high level of assurance but is not a guarantee
            responsibilities  for  the  audit  of  the  financial  statements   that an audit conducted in accordance with the ISAs will always
            section of my report.                                 detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements
        4.   I  am independent  of the  department  in accordance with   can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if,
            the International Ethics  Standards  Board for  Accountants’   individually or in aggregate, they could reasonably be expected
            International code of ethics for professional accountants (including   to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis
            International Independence Standards) (IESBA code) as well as   of these financial statements.
            other ethical requirements that are relevant to my audit in   13.  A further description of my responsibilities for the audit of
            South Africa. I have fulfilled my other ethical responsibilities   the financial statements is included in the annexure to this
            in accordance with these requirements and the IESBA code.   auditor’s report.
        5.   I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient
            and appropriate to provide a basis for my opinion.  Report on the audit of the annual performance
        Emphasis of matter
        6.   I draw attention to the matter below. My opinion is not modified  Introduction and scope
            in respect of this matter.                        14.  In accordance with the Public Audit Act 25 of 2004 (PAA) and the
                                                                  general notice issued in terms thereof, I have a responsibility
        Significant subsequent event                              to report on the usefulness and reliability of the reported
        7.   I  draw  attention  to  note  29  in  the  financial  statements,   performance information against predetermined objectives
            which  deals  with  non-adjusting  events  after  reporting  date   for selected programmes presented in the annual performance
            and specifically the department shifting the early childhood   report. I performed procedures to identify material findings but
            development  grant  function  to  the  department  of  basic   not to gather evidence to express assurance.
            education from 01 April 2022.  Our opinion is not modified in   15.  My procedures address the usefulness and reliability of the
            respect of this matter.                               reported  performance  information,  which  must  be  based  on
                                                                  the department’s approved performance planning documents.
        Other matter                                              I have not evaluated the completeness and appropriateness
        8.   I draw attention to the matter below. My opinion is not modified   of  the  performance  indicators  included  in  the  planning
            in respect of this matter.                            documents. My procedures do not examine whether the
                                                                  actions taken by the department enabled service delivery.
        Unaudited supplementary schedules                         My procedures do not extend to any disclosures or assertions
        9.   The supplementary information set out on pages XX to XX does   relating to the extent of achievements in the current year or
            not form part of the financial statements and is presented as   planned performance strategies and information in respect of
            additional information. I have not audited these schedules and   future periods that may be included as part of the reported
            accordingly, I do not express an opinion on them.     performance  information.  Accordingly,  my  findings  do  not
                                                                  extend to these matters.

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