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                                                              in child and youth headed households, children with
                                                              chronic health conditions, as well as those living and
                                                              working on the streets. RISIHA is targeted at improving
                                                              care and support services for children affected by HIV
                                                              and  AIDS,  as  many  are  left  without  parents/primary
                                                              caregivers.  The programme seeks to strengthen
                                                              families and communities as the first line of response
                                                              in the child protection system, with particular focus on
                                                              children living in disadvantaged communities.

                                                              Social  Development  will  continue  to  address  high
                                                              risk behaviour by youth, through the Compendium
                                                              of  Social  and  Behaviour  Change  (SBC)  programmes
                                                              in its response to COVID-19 which are integrated in
                                                              our  YOLO, Chommie, Men and Boys Championing
                                                              Change,  Traditional  Leaders,  Family  and  Ke  Moja
                                                              programmes.  These  programmes  are  implemented
                                                              within a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral nature of
                                                              community development and delivered as an integral
                                                              part of social protection services.

                                                              Poverty and inequality continues to devastate
                                                              communities as it is experienced through multi
              DEPUTY MINISTER STATEMENT                       deprivation and vulnerabilities which includes poor
                                                              nutrition, unemployment, poor education and poor
              This Annual Performance Plan (APP) is part of the  health outcomes.  The Community Developoment
              strategic  alignment  with the  APPs of provinces,  the  Programmes will intensify its efforts to community
              South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), and the  capacity enhancement through the roll out of the One
              National Development Agency (NDA) to progressively  Plan, and the District Development Model under the
              achieve the five-year impact of an ‘improved quality of  auspices of Cooperative Governance and  Traditional
              life for the poor and vulnerable’.              Affairs (COGTA) in all nine provinces to sustain social
                                                              cohesion. Building sustainable and vibrant livelihoods is
              The Department of Social Development continues to  the largest contribution towards achieving the mandate
              lead in the coordination of social protection imperatives  of the Department and this work is done in all provinces
              outlined in the NDP and implemented through the  with the support of NPOs as our implementing partners.
              Medium-Term  Strategic  Framework  (MTSF)  through
              Priority 4, Consolidating the Social  Wage through  COVID-19 compels us to speed up the implementation
              Reliable and Quality Basic Services.            of the  NPO Funding  Policy and  Partnership  Model
                                                              thereby ensuring uniformity in the Sector. The planned
              The APP  2022/2023  is  refocusing our  work to  outputs on provision of education and awareness
              impact the outcomes inline  with the  need to ensure  programmes to NPOs will lead to an empowered and
              individuals, families and communities have a safety  strengthened Sector that is able to deliver quality
              net, especially during periods of unforeseen disasters.  services to vulnerable and poor communities, thus
              The  psycho-social  support  programme  are  meant  to  improving the quality of life of our people. NPOs
              build competencies and capabilities for these groups to  continue to remain our core implementing partners in
              cope with life’s pressures. We have witnessed how the  our service provision continuum.
              most vulnerable groups in our society were hard hit by
              poverty during the different stages of lockdowns in our  The National Drug Master Plan (2019-2024) prioritized
              country.                                        interventions that target vulnerable groups, including
                                                              children, youth, women, inmates and injecting drug
              To address  the plight and immediate needs  of  users.  To improve access and standards to care,
              vulnerable children within the scope of all children in  treatment, rehabilitation, aftercare and reintegration,
              need of care and protection in terms of Section 150  the Universal Treatment Curriculum (Colombo Plan) was
              (1) of the Children’s Act (Act No.38 of 2005) and to  approved by the African Union Commission of Ministers
              implement protection of orphaned and vulnerable  responsible for Drug Control in 2012. South Africa as a
              children, the Department of Social Development  Member State was also encouraged to participate in the
              launched RISIHA. RISIHA means “resilience” in Xitsonga  implementation of the programme. During 2022/2023,
              and is a community-based child protection, prevention  the UCT will be expanded to all treatment centres on a
              and early intervention programme, aimed at protecting  national level.
              orphans and vulnerable children, including those living

                                            ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN
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