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                                                             Department will improve its disaster responsiveness
                                                             systems.  These improvements should be evident in
                                                             heightened disaster-readiness among communities
                                                             as well as active citizenship in disaster matters.  To
                                                             this end, this APP is targeted at cushioning all South
                                                             Africans from vulnerabilities that they cannot protect
                                                             themselves from.

                                                             This 2022/2023 APP will be implemented through the
                                                             Cabinet adopted District Development Model.  The
                                                             implementation of the Departments programmes that
                                                             consist  of  this  APP  through  the  country’s  52  districts
                                                             and metropolitan municipalities will strengthen service
                                                             implementation where people live, in communities, as
                                                             much as it will encourage community responsiveness
                                                             and active citizenship.  This  APP strives to be  the
                                                             embodiment of the aspirations of South Africans.
                                                             To this extent, the Department is intent on, by 2030,
                                                             defining and implementing the social protection
                                                             floor below which no South African shall live. This is
                                                             among the Department’s ongoing efforts targeted
             MINISTER STATEMENT                              at eradicating poverty, creating opportunities for
                                                             economic absorption of unemployed social service
                                                             professionals, and implementing programmes that
             It is my pleasure to present the Annual Performance Plan   reduces inequalities among our people. The COVID-19
             (APP) of the Department of Social Development for the   social relief of distress is an example among the eminent
             2022/2023 financial year. This APP contributes to the   priority programmes that the Department pioneered
             foundational work that my predecessors spearheaded   to this end. I assure you that the Department is ready
             towards the improvement of the state of the people.   and equipped to carry similar assignments during the
             So, this APP is the latest iteration of the democratic   2022/2023 financial year.
             government’s refinement  and  implementation  of
             meaningful social development programmes.       The Department will continue to contribute to
                                                             processes that stimulate discussions around the
             This APP marks the mid-term point of the Sixth   resource modelling and implementation of the basic
             Administration of our democratic government.  This   income grant (BIG).  The BIG promises to be a major
             means that the Department will stop at nothing towards   policy engagement that we will be part of during the
             ensuring the practical realization of the outstanding   2022/2023 financial year.
             aspects of the electoral mandate of the African National
             Congress (ANC); Cabinet’s Seven Priorities; the Medium-  Following the outcome of the Cabinet Lekgotla,
             Term Strategic Framework (MTSF); and the National   government adopted the National Annual Strategic
             Development Plan (NDP), Vision 2030 in the lives of all   Plan (NASP) with 50 short to medium term impact
             South Africans. While the Department ought to protect   interventions that are aimed at making a concrete
             and enhance the dignity of its beneficiaries, from this   difference in service delivery  towards  positively
             point onwards it must register meaningful progress in   transforming the lives of South Africans to remove and
             the consolidation of the social wage through reliable   alleviate the conditions of poverty, alienation, structural
             and quality basic services. Equally important is the need   incapacity and inequalities in families and communities.
             for the Department to significantly contribute to the   The Department of Social Development will be
             Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan.      implementing the following impact interventions that
                                                             are embedded in the 2022/2023 APP:
             Since the advent of COVID-19, the Department and
             its entities, the South African Social Security Agency   •  Implement the National Strategic Plan to eradicate
             (SASSA), and the National  Development Agency
             (NDA) had to adapt and innovate their programme    GBVF;
             for enhanced visibility, relevance and responsiveness   •  Improve the optimization of social welfare services;
             to peoples lived realities and felt needs during these   •  Optimise the social security legislative framework
             extraordinary times. While speaking to the continuing   and develop appropriate norms and standards for
             reality of COVID-19, through this APP, the Department   service delivery;
             needs to increase its investments and interventions in   •  Optimise the non-profit organisations legislative
             response to the challenges of climate change, that are   framework to promote good governance and
             drastically altering ordinary people’s lives and future   accountability;
             prospects. In pursuit of the wellbeing of our people   •  Promote vibrant and sustainable communities; and
             – particularly the most vulnerable among them, the   •  Improved household food security.


                                            ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN
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