Page 398 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
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Outcome Improved social wellbeing of individuals, families and communities.
Output Output Indicator Annual Target Quarterly Target Activities Timeframe Budget per Dependencies Responsibility
National Child Care Intersectoral Imple- Develop and final- Q1: finalise a Review relevant Apr-Jun 2021 R 93 728 Submission of Social Work Policy
and Protection Policy mentation plan for ise an Intersec- literature review literature for the deliverables on Manage: Policy, Leg-
(NCCPP) the NCCPP finalised. toral Implementa- report on the drafting of the the scheduled islation and Imple-
tion plan for the Intersectoral Im- Intersectoral Im- dates. mentation Support.
Intersectoral Imple- NCCPP. plementation Plan plementation Plan
mentation Plan for the National for the National Availability and
Child Care and Child Care and cooperation of
protection Policy. protection Policy. stakeholders.
Draft a literature
review report for
the Intersectoral
Plan for the Na-
tional Child Care
and protection
Develop a pro-
posed structure
for the Intersec-
toral Implementa-
tion Plan.