Page 268 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
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P AR T  E: FINANCIAL  INFORMA TION                                                     SOCIAL RELIEF FUND
 Notes to the Financial Statements of the Social Relief Fund for the year   Notes to the Financial Statements of the Social Relief Fund for the year  Y ear
                        The Financial Stat
                                                                     e R
                                                                        elief Fund For
                                                        The R
              Notes To The Financial Statements Of The Refugee Relief Fund For The Year
 ended 31 March 2022  ended 31 March 2022
              Ended 31 March 2022
              Ended 31 March 2022
                                                                 Cash and cash equivalents are measured at fair value.
        1.6.4 Investments                                     1.6.7 Financial Liabilities
            The investments are measured at subsequent reporting dates   The Fund’s principal financial liabilities are accounts payable.
            at amortized cost by using the effective interest rate method if
            they have a fixed maturity or at cost if there is no fixed maturity.  All  financial  liabilities  are  measured  at  amortized  cost,
                                                                 comprising  original  debt  less  principal  payments  and
        1.6.5 Trade and other receivables                        amortizations.
            Trade and other receivables are stated at their normal value as
            reduced by appropriate allowances for estimated irrecoverable   1.7  EXPENDITURE
            amounts.                                             Expenditure is accounted for on the accrual basis of accounting.
        1.6.6 Cash and cash equivalents
                                                                                      2021/22            2020/21
                                                                                        R’000               R’000
        2.   Revenue
             Interest received                                                           1,664              1,625
         Total                                                                          1,664               1,625

        3.   Administrative Expenditure

              Bank Charges                                                                  1                  1
         Total                                                                              1                  1

        4.   Audit Fees                                                                    30                 26

        5.   Trade and other payables                                                       8                  8
        6.   Risk Management

        6.1.1  Market Risk
             Market risk is the risk that changes in market prices.  Interest rates will affect the Social Relief Fund.  Market risk management aims
             to manage and control market risk exposure within acceptable parameters while optimizing return.  The Social Relief Fund does not
             manage this risk aggressively as the investments of funds are determined by the Minister of Social Development and the Minister
             of Finance.  Within these parameters, funds are invested with reputable financial institutions.

        6.1.2  Credit Risk
             Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Social Relief Fund if a financial institution to a financial instrument fails to meet its
             contractual obligations.
             The Social Relief Fund’s exposure to credit risk is influenced only by the individual characteristics of the financial institutions where
             funds are deposited or invested.  Reputable financial institutions are used for investing and cash handling purposes.
                     Credit Risk Affect                                                2021/22            2020/21
                     Financial Assets                                                    R’000              R’000
              Cost                                                                      43,349             41,751
              Additions during the year                                                  1,633             1,598
              Closing Balance                                                           44,982             43,349

        6.1.3  Liquidity Risk
             Liquidity risk is the risk that Social Relief Fund will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall due. The Social Relief
             Fund’s approach to managing liquidity is to ensure that the investment terms chosen will ensure that it will always have sufficient
             liquidity to meet its liabilities when due.
                                                                                      2021/22            2020/21
             Cash and Cash Equivalents
                                                                                         R’000              R’000
             Cash and balances with banks                                                  21                 21
             Investments                                                                44,969             43,336
             Total                                                                      44,990             43,357

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