Page 261 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 261

REFUGEE RELIEF FUND                                                         PART E: FINANCIAL INFORMATION

                           The Financial Stat
                                                                        e R
                                                                           elief Fund For
                                                           The R
                 Notes To The Financial Statements Of The Refugee Relief Fund For The Year
              Not es t o the Financial Stat ements o  f the R efuge e R elief Fund f or the  y The    Y ear
                 Ended 31 March 2022
              ended 31 March 2022
                 Ended 31 March 2022
        7.   Cash generated from/ (utilized in) Operations
                                                                                      2021/22            2020/21
                                                                                        R’000              R’000
            (Interest received)                                                           (24)               (25)
            Net cash flow from operating activities                                       (31)               (29)
        8.  Net cash inflows/outflows from Operating
                                                                                      2021/22            2020/21
                                                                                         R’000              R’000
            Cash payments to suppliers and employees                                      (31)                (27)
            Cash generated from/ (utilized in) operations                                 (31)                (27)
            Interest received                                                              24               1,625
         Net cash inflows/outflows from operating activities                               (7)              1,598

        9.     Events after Balance Sheet Date
                None identified to date.
        10.   Related party transactions

        10.1   The Department of Social Development
              The Executive Authority of the Refugee Relief Fund is the Minister of the Department of Social Development (DSD). Although a
              related party relationship exists between the DSD and the Fund, there were no transactions with DSD.
        10.2    Relief Fund Boards
              A related party relationship exists between the Refugee Relief Fund, the Disaster Relief Fund, the Social Relief Fund and the
              State President’s Fund. There were no transactions between the above-mentioned related parties.

        10.3    National Development Agency (NDA)
              A related party relationship exists between the Refugee Relief Fund and the NDA. There were no transactions between the

        10.4    South African Social Security Agency (SASSA)
              A related party relationship exists between the Refugee Relief Fund and SASSA. There were no transactions between the parties.
        11.   Going Concern
             The annual financial statements have been prepared based on accounting policies applicable to a going concern. This basis
             presumes that funds will be available to finance future operations and that the realisation of assets and settlement of liabilities,
             contingent obligations and commitments will occur in the ordinary course of business. The Fund is in the process of being closed.
             This will be done upon the amendment of the Social Assistance Act and the Fund-Raising Act, the processes of which commenced
             in the 2012/13 financial year.

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