Page 235 - DSD ANNUAL REPORT 2022-2
P. 235


                                 Annual Financial Stat
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                Notes to the Appropriation Statement for the Year ended 31 March 2022ear ended 31 March 2022ear ended 31 March 2022
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       ANNEXURE 2
                                                                   Opening Balance  Liabilities incurred during the   Liabilities paid/cancelled/    Closing Balance
        Nature of Liability                                           1 April 2021                      year        reduced during the year           31 March 2022
                                                                           R’000                      R’000                       R’000                      R’000
       Claims against the department
       Labour Matter: Unfair Labour Practice                                 140                           -                          -                        140
       Goods sold and delivered                                                47                          -                        47                           -
       Contract Tender not Awarded                                        150 256                          -                      1 000                    149 256
       Breach of Contract                                                   1 272                          -                          -                       1 272
       Unlawful removal from Foster Parents                                47 040                          -                     47 040                          -
       Unlawful Occupation of Land                                        288 919                          -                          -                     288 919
       Motor vehicle collision                                                 25                          -                          -                         25
       Adoption                                                                 -                      2 800                          -                      2 800
        TOTAL                                                             487 699                      2 800                     48 087                    442 412

        Unlawful removal of children from foster parents: The Department was served with a Section 3 notice of intention to institute legal proceedings but has not been served with summons to date. Should a
        summons have been served, a claim would exist. In the absence of a summons, this matter does not constitute a contingent liability as legal proceedings (claim) have not been instituted. It has been decided
        that this matter must be removed as contingent liability until such time summons are served.
        Adoption: New Liability. The Department filed a notice of intention to defend the application and subsequently filed an exception.

        Unfair Labour Practice: The matter is dormant, the Department is still awaiting confirmation of the current status from the Office of the State Attorney.
        Goods sold and delivered: The Department instructed the Office of the State Attorney to settle litigation costs and the costs of suit, proof of payment is still awaited.
        Contract Tender not Awarded: The Department is still awaiting confirmation of the current status from the Office of the State Attorney.

        Breach of Contract: The Office of the State Attorney advised the Department that this matter has been dormant since November 2020.
        Unlawful Occupation of Land: The Department filed a notice of intention to oppose with the Office of the State Attorney.
        Motor vehicle collision: The Department filed a plea with the Office of the State Attorney.

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