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              Institution         Output indicator        Annual    Data source
              DSD Eastern Cape    Number of Population Policy  3    Population Policy Monitoring and Evaluation Reports
              DSD Free State      Monitoring and Evaluation   1     Approved/ Completed Population Policy Monitoring and Evaluation reports
                                  reports produced
              DSD Gauteng                                 4         Dated and signed (by complir) Population Policy Monitoring and Evaluation thematic reports
              DSD KwaZulu-Natal                           1         Approved/ Completed Population Policy Monitoring and Evaluation reports
              DSD Limpopo                                 N/A       N/A
              DSD Mpumalanga                              4         Approved/ Completed Population Policy Monitoring and Evaluation reports
              DSD Northern Cape                           1         Approved/ Completed Population Policy Monitoring and Evaluation reports
              DSD North West                              1         Signed off Population Policy Monitoring and Evaluation report
              DSD Western Cape                            N/A       N/A
              DSD Eastern Cape    Number of research projects  1    Completed research reports
              DSD Free State      completed               1         Completed research reports (including final drafts awaiting sign-off)
              DSD Gauteng                                 5         Dated and signed (by compiler) research report indicating research projects completed
              DSD KwaZulu-Natal                           6         Completed research reports (including final drafts awaiting sign-off)
              DSD Limpopo                                 1         Completed research reports (including final drafts awaiting sign-off)
              DSD Mpumalanga                              2         Completed research reports (including final drafts awaiting sign-off)
              DSD Northern Cape                           1         Completed research reports (including final drafts awaiting sign-off)
              DSD North West                              1         Primary source: Population Statistics from STATSSA and completed population research report
              DSD Western Cape                            1         SMS approved population research and close out reports for each profile
              DSD Eastern Cape    Number of demographic   1         Completed demographic analysis report
              DSD Free State      profiles completed      5         Completed demographic analysis report or map or index or system
              DSD Gauteng                                 44        Dated and signed (by compiler) copy of demographic profiles completed
              DSD KwaZulu-Natal                           3         Completed demographic analysis report or map or index or system
              DSD Limpopo                                 N/A       N/A
              DSD Mpumalanga                              6         Completed demographic analysis report or map or index or system
              DSD Northern Cape                           28        Completed demographic analysis report or map or index or system
              DSD North West                              4         Primary: Demographic Profile
              DSD Western Cape                            6         SMS approved demographic profiles and close out reports for each profile

                                                                     ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN
   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160