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P. 139
Institution Output indicator Annual Data source
DSD Eastern Cape Number of children access- N/A N/A
DSD Free State ing registered ECD pro- 85 700 Dated and signed register/database or of children accessing registered ECD programmes / Form 17
DSD Gauteng N/A N/A
DSD KwaZulu-Natal N/A N/A
DSD Limpopo N/A N/A
DSD Mpumalanga 73 459 - Admission registers
- Database of children accessing registered ECD programmes
DSD Northern Cape 13 289 Monitoring tool: Dated and signed registers detailing full name, ID number, age group and disability status
DSD North West N/A N/A
DSD Western Cape N/A N/A
DSD Eastern Cape Number of children sub- N/A N/A
DSD Free State sidized through equitable 48 685 Dated and signed register/database of the subsidized children in registered ECD programmes. Register must include
share names, surnames, ID’s or DOB, disaggregated by gender, disability status and district
DSD Gauteng N/A N/A
DSD KwaZulu-Natal N/A N/A
DSD Limpopo N/A N/A
DSD Mpumalanga 52 325 - Attendance register
- Database of subsidized children benefitting from equitable share
DSD Northern Cape 10 973 - Dated and signed registers detailing full name, ID number, age group , disability status and indication that chil-
dren funded has submitted proof from SASSA for children receiving grant
- Proof of income from parents who qualify according to the means test
DSD North West N/A N/A
DSD Western Cape N/A N/A