Page 350 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 350


        Outcome            Reduced levels of poverty, inequality, vulnerability and social ills
        Output             Output Indicator   Annual Target  Quarterly Target    Activities         Timeframe    Budget per   Dependencies    Responsibility
                                                            Q4:                  Monitor the de-   January –                 Delay in system
                                                                                 velopment of the   March                    development
                                                            Monitor the applica-  system.
                                                            tion cycle: Develop
                                                            Data models and Web   Evaluate technical
                                                            portal               documentation for
                                                                                 each phase of Sys-
                                                                                 tem Development
                                                                                 Life Cycle and Proj-
                                                                                 ect Management

                                                                                 Facilitate project
                                                                                 sign off and ap-
        Support DoH on the   Number of steering   Facilitate   Q1: Attend Hepatitis   Facilitate meeting   Apr-June  R100 000  Competing pri-  Director
        elimination of blood   committee meet-  support to   steering committee   to provide feedback                        orities between
        borne diseases     ings attended      DOH on the    meetings             on the completed                            National and
                                              elimination of                     online survey at the                        Provinces.
                                              blood borne                        public treatment
                                              diseases                           centres
                                                            Q2: Attend Hepatitis   Organize meeting   July-Set               Competing pri-   Director
                                                            steering committee   with public treat-                          orities between
                                                            meetings             ment centres to                             National and
                                                                                 discuss plans on                            Provinces.
                                                                                 the implementa-
                                                                                 tion of Hepatitis
                                                            Q3: Attend Hepatitis   Facilitate meeting   Oct-Dec              Competing pri-   Director
                                                            steering committee   with public treat-                          orities between
                                                            meetings             ment centres to dis-                        National and
                                                                                 cuss the implemen-                          Provinces.
                                                                                 tation of Hepatitis
                                                            Q4: Attend Hepatitis   Facilitate meeting                        Competing pri-   Director
                                                            steering committee   with public treat-                          orities between
                                                            meetings             ment centres to                             National and
                                                                                 discuss progress                            Provinces.
                                                                                 on the implemen-
                                                                                 tation of Hepatitis

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