Page 333 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 333
Outcome Reduced levels of poverty, inequality, vulnerability and social ills
Output Output Indicator Annual Target Quarterly Target Activities Timeframe Budget per Dependencies Responsibility
Prevention of and Number of Fourteen (14) Q1: Identification of cam- April – June R1 335 000 Lack of buy in Director and Chief
Treatment for Sub- campuses Campuses puses from universities director
stance Abuse Act No 70 reached through reached through Conduct educa-
of 2008 prevention and prevention and tion and aware-
early intervention early intervention ness campaigns
measures to curb measures to curb through the pro-
social ills amongst social ills amongst vision of pre- Development of im- Unavailability of
children and youth children and vention and ear- plementation plan students to attend
youth ly intervention the programme
due to competing
measures to curb priorities and
social ills in four protests
(4) campuses Conduct educa-
tion and awareness
through the provision
of prevention and
early intervention re- Restrictions by
sponsive measures
to curb social ills COVID-19 regula-
amongst children and tions
youth in four (4) cam-
Inadequate re-
sources e.g. data
Q2: Conduct educa- July-Sep Lack of buy in
tion and awareness from universities
Conduct educa- through the provision
tion and aware- of prevention and
ness campaigns early intervention
through the responsive measures Unavailability of
provision of pre- to curb social ills students to attend
vention and early amongst children the programme
intervention and youth in four (4) due to competing
measures to curb campuses priorities and
social ills in four protests
(4) campuses
Restrictions by
COVID-19 regula-
Inadequate re-
sources e.g. data