Page 215 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 215
Outcome Reduced levels of poverty, inequality, vulnerability and social ills
Output Output Indica- Annual Target Quarterly Target Activities Timeframe Budget per Dependencies Responsibility
tor Activity
Refine means test Revised means Draft policy brief Q2: Develop a project plan to R0.00 None Director: Disability
for Older Person’s test for the OPG guide the drafting of the pol- &Old Age Grants
Grant (OPG) icy brief on the removal of
spousal income.
Draft project plan Liaise with SASSA to request
the updated statistics of old-
er person in spousal rela-
Request stats of older per-
sons in a spousal relation-
ship whose application were
Review the work done on
spousal income between
2013 and 2019.
Write a draft policy brief
Circulate the draft policy
brief in the Chief Directorate
for inputs
Consult the Directorate: Pol-
Q3 icy Implementation and So-
cial Insurance for inputs
First draft of the policy Study the inputs received.
Incorporate them into the fi-
nal Draft policy brief.
Q4 Write the final policy brief
Final policy brief Submit the final policy brief
to the Chief Director