Page 215 - OP DSD 2022 FINAL FINAL
P. 215


        Outcome          Reduced levels of poverty, inequality, vulnerability and social ills
        Output           Output Indica-  Annual Target  Quarterly Target     Activities               Timeframe      Budget per   Dependencies    Responsibility
                         tor                                                                                         Activity
        Refine means test   Revised means   Draft policy brief   Q2:         Develop  a  project  plan  to           R0.00       None             Director: Disability
        for Older Person’s   test for the OPG                                guide the drafting of the pol-                                       &Old Age Grants
        Grant (OPG)                                                          icy  brief  on  the  removal  of
                                                                             spousal income.
                                                        Draft project plan   Liaise with SASSA to request
                                                                             the updated statistics of old-
                                                                             er  person  in  spousal  rela-

                                                                             Request  stats  of  older  per-
                                                                             sons  in  a  spousal  relation-
                                                                             ship whose application were
                                                                             Review  the  work  done  on
                                                                             spousal  income  between
                                                                             2013 and 2019.
                                                                             Write a draft policy brief

                                                                             Circulate the draft policy
                                                                             brief in the Chief Directorate
                                                                             for inputs
                                                                             Consult  the  Directorate:  Pol-
                                                        Q3                   icy  Implementation  and  So-
                                                                             cial Insurance for inputs
                                                        First draft of the policy   Study the inputs received.
                                                                             Incorporate them into the fi-
                                                                             nal Draft policy brief.
                                                        Q4                   Write the final policy brief
                                                        Final policy brief   Submit  the  final  policy  brief
                                                                             to the Chief Director

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